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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:05 am
by choff
ladajo wrote:
choff wrote:Conquer means defeat the military of the country and physically occupy with your own. Replace the leadership with a puppet government. The Russians have made incursions into neighboring states with specific objectives in mind related to their own security. Crimea has a long history in relation to Russia, the two breakaway provinces have predominantly Russian populations.
From your definition, it appears that Chechnya, The Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine meet the mark when considering "defeat the military of the country and physically occupy with your own", and "<replacing> the leadership with a puppet government." Especially when you consider the soviet/Russian way of war, in that a battlefield defeat is only one means of "defeat" an opposing force can meet.

Other nations, like Belarus, Trans-Dniester, Nagorno-Karabakh, and Dagestan, and even Syria (surely on the path) may also meet this criteria of yours, if you consider that the entry of troops can be without combat. Again, this is based in the soviet/Russian theories on the conduct of war & conflict. These theories include use of deniable military force such as proxies or unmarked/unclaimed Russian units. It also includes co-opting local forces via corruption, coercion, or other means.

An incursion is defined by 'not staying'. This could represented with Georgia, however it is arguable given the status of Abkhazia, and South Osseita in particular.

So in short, your own definition undermines your premise that the RFN has not 'conquered' anyone. In fact, if you ask them, they market (especially internally) that they have.

Additionally, please clarify what you mean by "Russian".
Uh, no. By conquer, I mean very direct, overt, naked aggression, only one means of defeat, not entry without combat, not deniable military force, not co-opting local forces by corruption, coercion or other means. By Russian I mean the people governed by Vladimir Putin who call themselves Russians.

I've studied the history of military incursions into the east, Napoleon, Hitlers, the British and French. All driven pretty much by geography and banking with a total disregard for previous outcomes. Neo-Cons are without a doubt the most clueless bunch of Marxists the world has ever seen.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:54 am
by TDPerk
choff wrote:
ladajo wrote: Uh, no. By conquer, I mean very direct, overt, naked aggression, only one means of defeat, not entry without combat, not deniable military force, not co-opting local forces by corruption, coercion or other means. By Russian I mean the people governed by Vladimir Putin who call themselves Russians.

I've studied the history of military incursions into the east, Napoleon, Hitlers, the British and French. All driven pretty much by geography and banking with a total disregard for previous outcomes. Neo-Cons are without a doubt the most clueless bunch of Marxists the world has ever seen.
So you have a very dishonestly convenient definition of conquer and Russians invaded Georgia, Chechnya, and Ukraine--which nations Putin has conquered in whole or in part.

Neo-Cons are by definition not Marxists.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:25 pm
by Tom Ligon
Diogenes wrote:
Tom Ligon wrote:Confirmed case of voter fraud. ... e#stream/0

The guy is a Republican.
I didn't see an answer from you. What Shenanigans did Moscow pull in the election?
I'm awaiting Mueller's determination. When that comes out, will you accept it, or dismiss it as a conspiracy by the Deep State and Fake Media?

And I keep hoping the Pee-Pee tapes come out.! :)

I believe the PizzaGate conspiracy has been confirmed to have a Russian hacker origin.

I might be willing to disregard the investigation, were Trump not so clearly afraid that something will come of it. He really acts as if he has something to hide, and he's brought that on himself.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:33 pm
by ladajo
Uh, no. By conquer, I mean very direct, overt, naked aggression, only one means of defeat, not entry without combat, not deniable military force, not co-opting local forces by corruption, coercion or other means. By Russian I mean the people governed by Vladimir Putin who call themselves Russians.
Sooo... as TDPerk mentioned, you are adding convenience to your definition. Standing Russian doctrine does not accept such a narrow view as yours as to the meaning of "conquer". You are placing a specified over military invasion and subsequent military victory meaning to it. In that regard, you can still say that actions in Georgia, The Crimea, East Ukraine, and even Syria still meet your definition. Putin himself has admitted to Russian Forces involvements. Especially in The Crimea.

Merriam-Webster's offers this:
Definition of conquer
conquered; conquering \ˈkäŋ-k(ə-)riŋ\
transitive verb
1: to gain or acquire by force of arms : subjugate conquer territory
2: to overcome by force of arms : vanquish conquered the enemy
3: to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition conquered the mountain
4: to overcome by mental or moral power : surmount conquered her fear
intransitive verb
: to be victorious
conqueror \ˈkäŋ-kər-ər\ noun
And this:
Synonym Discussion of conquer
conquer, vanquish, defeat, subdue, reduce, overcome, overthrow mean to get the better of by force or strategy. conquer implies gaining mastery of. ⟨Caesar conquered Gaul⟩ vanquish implies a complete overpowering. ⟨vanquished the enemy and ended the war⟩ defeat does not imply the finality or completeness of vanquish which it otherwise equals. ⟨the Confederates defeated the Union forces at Manassas⟩ subdue implies a defeating and suppression. ⟨subdued the native tribes after years of fighting⟩ reduce implies a forcing to capitulate or surrender. ⟨the city was reduced after a month-long siege⟩ overcome suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle. ⟨overcame a host of bureaucratic roadblocks⟩ overthrow stresses the bringing down or destruction of existing power. ⟨violently overthrew the old regime⟩
In addition to this:
CONQUER Defined for English Language Learners

Definition of conquer for English Language Learners
: to take control of (a country, city, etc.) through the use of force
: to defeat (someone or something) through the use of force
: to gain control of (a problem or difficulty) through great effort
and subsequently this:
CONQUER Defined for Kids

verb con·quer \ˈkäŋ-kər\
Definition of conquer for Students
conquered; conquering
1: to get or gain by force : win by fighting
2: overcome
1 She worked hard to conquer her fears.
Conquer Defined

So from your take, you emphasize the fighting piece. Russian Doctrine indicates that they see fighting as multidimensional, and multidomain. This is turn supports that they can, will, do, and have in the past sought conquest via use of force, where force is defined as a wide spectrum of efforts. This west sees this with a similar construct known as DIME, or Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic dimensions of national power. So in terms of Russian actions, it can be (and is) argued that to conquer, is to apply force (functions of national power) to gain control or power over an adversary. Therefore, it is not as narrow as you have tried to paint.

As for the definition of who a Russian is, Putin himself does not see it the way you do. His definition includes use of Russian National Power to protect any person who is Russian Speaking...
Putin wrote:Millions of Russians and Russian-speaking people live in Ukraine and will continue to do so. Russia will always defend their interests using political, diplomatic and legal means.
Putin Speech

Putin's Protection Policies
Putin wrote:I would like to make it clear to all: This country will continue to actively defend the rights of Russians, our compatriots abroad, using the entire range of available means — from political and economic to operations under international humanitarian law and the right of self-defense,...

...In Ukraine, as you may have seen, at threat were our compatriots, Russian people and people of other nationalities, their language, history, culture and legal rights, guaranteed, by the way, by European conventions. When I speak of Russians and Russian-speaking citizens I am referring to those people who consider themselves part of the broad Russian community, they may not necessarily be ethnic Russians, but they consider themselves Russian people.
Putin Policy

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:21 pm
by williatw
Tom Ligon wrote:I might be willing to disregard the investigation, were Trump not so clearly afraid that something will come of it. He really acts as if he has something to hide, and he's brought that on himself.
I think Trump's "fear" is that it (Mueller's investigation) is a politically fueled witch hunt; run by a partisan "special prosecutor" with strong ties to the Dems/Clintons & practically unlimited funds and a mandate to investigate whatever he pleases for as long as he feels like. Compounded by a situation where his (Trump's) Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself; begging the question who does Mueller effectively answer to? Nobody?

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:27 pm
by Diogenes
Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Tom Ligon wrote:Confirmed case of voter fraud. ... e#stream/0

The guy is a Republican.
I didn't see an answer from you. What Shenanigans did Moscow pull in the election?
I'm awaiting Mueller's determination.
You didn't need to wait for Mueller's determination to make the accusation, so I don't know why you would need to wait for his determination to defend your assertion. Presumably it was based on something other than Deep State conspiracy and Fake Media accusations?

My understanding of the issue is that it mostly hinges on the allegation that the Russians hacked the DNC and released embarrassing emails just prior to the election.

As it turns out, a left leaning magazines called "the Nation" actually looked into this. Congrats to them for some honesty.

Forensicator’s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate—the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.
“Transfer rates of 23 MB/s (Mega Bytes per second) are not just highly unlikely, but effectively impossible to accomplish when communicating over the Internet at any significant distance,” he wrote. “Further, local copy speeds are measured, demonstrating that 23 MB/s is a typical transfer rate when using a USB–2 flash device (thumb drive).”

In other words, the Russians didn't hack the DNC. Nobody hacked the DNC, it was an inside Job.

Tom Ligon wrote: When that comes out, will you accept it, or dismiss it as a conspiracy by the Deep State and Fake Media?

Shouldn't I wait and see what it says before I make up my mind?

Tom Ligon wrote: And I keep hoping the Pee-Pee tapes come out.!

I believe the PizzaGate conspiracy has been confirmed to have a Russian hacker origin.

Confirmed by whom? Several people have told me it was debunked, but no one has explained to me how it was debunked beyond "everyone knows this."

Tom Ligon wrote: I might be willing to disregard the investigation, were Trump not so clearly afraid that something will come of it. He really acts as if he has something to hide, and he's brought that on himself.
Yes, because any normal person that has a trillion dollar propaganda weapon aimed at him would not be worried about anything.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:38 pm
by Tom Ligon
Well, I guess that rules me out for hacking the DNC, as I have only 50 megabits per second upload and download speed. In my private home. Its the slowest service Verizon offers via FiOS. We could get faster.

1 gigabit per second service is offered to homes by several outfits in our area. Assuming 8 bits plus some stop and start bits per transmitted byte, in rough numbers, a private homeowner around here can run 100 MBPS, plenty fast enough. I don't know what bandwidth DNC had then, but I'd not expect it to be slow. Anybody wanting to transmit HD video files will want smokin' fast internet, or else they should just send a thumb drive via mule.

USB 3 can sustain 640 MBPS. You can put a multi-Terabyte portable hard drive in your pocket and back up your computer via USB 3.0 faster than you want to know.

Which proves nothing except that I'm not sure you should be trusting "Forensicator's" decisive findings any more than you trust mine.

Are you saying Trump, the master manipulator of the media, is scared?

Were all the videos of Trump praising Putin and generally asp-kissing the Russians hacked? This is the really hard part to explain: Trump praises people most good Americans detest, but lashes out at his friends. I don't need liberal media to make me think something is really rotten here. Trump's own campaign appearances, news interviews, and twitter feeds are plenty.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:57 am
by paperburn1
Trump has been a democrat, a republican and an independent by his own words. He flips and flops on every major issue.
I miss Ronnie, while he might not have been the best he at least made you feel like you had a president.

Second , being a computer guy this whole Russians remotely hacking voter terminal is ridiculous. While technically possible it is highly improbable.
Also there are checks and balances in place that make a large scale real person attack very unlikely.(usb drives)
Secondly with what little dealing I have had with politics and the Clintons(way back when) ,I think we dodged a bullet and if Russia did really interfere we should send them a fruit basket.
Not that I am a fan of Trump just saying our choices were not ideal in any way shape or form.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:20 am
by choff
TDPerk wrote:
choff wrote:
ladajo wrote: Uh, no. By conquer, I mean very direct, overt, naked aggression, only one means of defeat, not entry without combat, not deniable military force, not co-opting local forces by corruption, coercion or other means. By Russian I mean the people governed by Vladimir Putin who call themselves Russians.

I've studied the history of military incursions into the east, Napoleon, Hitlers, the British and French. All driven pretty much by geography and banking with a total disregard for previous outcomes. Neo-Cons are without a doubt the most clueless bunch of Marxists the world has ever seen.
So you have a very dishonestly convenient definition of conquer and Russians invaded Georgia, Chechnya, and Ukraine--which nations Putin has conquered in whole or in part.

Neo-Cons are by definition not Marxists.
How about, conquer in the sense that eastern Europe was a part of the Warsaw pact whether they liked it or not. It seems your so used to conquer in the sense of the Arab Spring or the Soros run Ukraine coup, or American support for ISIS and Al CIA da in Syria.

Neo-Cons are Trotskyites, and last I checked, Trotsky was a Marxist.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:27 am
by choff
It was a guy named William Binney who claimed a USB was employed in the hack, he only worked high up in the NSA for decades before being forced out over his views on domestic surveillance. He might know a thing or two about hacking.

Apparently the FBI won't do a FOI request on Hillary's emails, they claim lack of public interest. They probably mean lack of Democrat voter public interest.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:47 pm
by Diogenes
Tom Ligon wrote:Well, I guess that rules me out for hacking the DNC, as I have only 50 megabits per second upload and download speed. In my private home. Its the slowest service Verizon offers via FiOS. We could get faster.

1 gigabit per second service is offered to homes by several outfits in our area. Assuming 8 bits plus some stop and start bits per transmitted byte, in rough numbers, a private homeowner around here can run 100 MBPS, plenty fast enough. I don't know what bandwidth DNC had then, but I'd not expect it to be slow. Anybody wanting to transmit HD video files will want smokin' fast internet, or else they should just send a thumb drive via mule.

USB 3 can sustain 640 MBPS. You can put a multi-Terabyte portable hard drive in your pocket and back up your computer via USB 3.0 faster than you want to know.

Which proves nothing except that I'm not sure you should be trusting "Forensicator's" decisive findings any more than you trust mine.

According to what I remember from reading the article, they actually tested the download speed from the DNC to a site 20 miles away from it. The best they could get was 11 mbs.

I'm not an expert on how this science stuff works, but I am given to understand that an experiment actually beats theory.

Tom Ligon wrote:
Are you saying Trump, the master manipulator of the media, is scared?

Lot of loaded assertions in your question. A "master manipulator" (itself a denigration) compared with a trillion dollar infrastructure propaganda weapon is a "David v Goliath" situation by orders of magnitude. "Scared" is also a derogatory insinuation, and it betrays a lack of objectivity regarding the man.

The media got Nixon. They are trying to get Trump. They have a lot of power and they are using it to conduct their political war against Trump. Trump may be good at dealing with the media, but any man that grasps what they can do to people by how they focus their coverage and what they continuously repeat, should be very concerned that some of this power can damage him politically or even make him subject to unwarranted prosecutions, as was done with Scooter Libby.

Trump is wary and concerned, but I think to characterize him as "scared" is inaccurate.

Had this media weapon been used against Obama, he would probably be in Prison right now. Of course, if he knew the Media Weapon was going to be used against him, he probably wouldn't have tried to pull half the crap he pulled.

Tom Ligon wrote: Were all the videos of Trump praising Putin and generally asp-kissing the Russians hacked?
Did they have some sort of pro-Trump effect on the election? I don't see how they could.

Tom Ligon wrote: This is the really hard part to explain: Trump praises people most good Americans detest, but lashes out at his friends.

Such as? Tell me who these "good Americans" detest, because I'm at a loss to figure out from where you are getting this idea.

Tom Ligon wrote: I don't need liberal media to make me think something is really rotten here.

Well I don't use the liberal media, and I don't see the "rotten" thing here that you are noticing, so perhaps your paying attention to liberal media is where you and I have come to differing conclusions regarding what is going on.

Tom Ligon wrote: Trump's own campaign appearances, news interviews, and twitter feeds are plenty.

That the Russians hacked the election on his behalf? I don't see how any of those things prove your contention. Let us focus on this accusation you have made until we can "Mythbust" it one way or the other.

Do you have any other proof that Russian "hacked" the election?

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:01 pm
by Diogenes
paperburn1 wrote:Trump has been a democrat, a republican and an independent by his own words.

Winston Churchill.

paperburn1 wrote: He flips and flops on every major issue.

Not sure which issues you are talking about, and in any case he is no worse than Bill Clinton in this regard. All the media people love Bill Clinton, and they simply don't care that he flipped and flopped. It is only objectionable when their political enemies do it.

paperburn1 wrote:
I miss Ronnie, while he might not have been the best he at least made you feel like you had a president.

Reagan was awesome. Did he make some mistakes? Yes he did, but you could always count on the fact that he did what he thought at the time was in the best interests of the US.

paperburn1 wrote: Second , being a computer guy this whole Russians remotely hacking voter terminal is ridiculous. While technically possible it is highly improbable.
Also there are checks and balances in place that make a large scale real person attack very unlikely.(usb drives)
Secondly with what little dealing I have had with politics and the Clintons(way back when) ,I think we dodged a bullet and if Russia did really interfere we should send them a fruit basket.
Not that I am a fan of Trump just saying our choices were not ideal in any way shape or form.

In a choice between a pompous crude ego-driven man of accomplishment that appears to really care about his country, and a vile, corrupt, lying, Nazi-like, psychotic hate-witch, i'll take the boor any day of the week.

Some of Hillary's history of corruption has been revealed, and she was a lying corrupt witch going all the way back to her role in the Watergate investigation in the 1970s. She should have gone to jail for her unethical abuse of power in that incident, but instead they simply fired her.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:21 pm
by Tom Ligon
Diogenes wrote:

Tom Ligon wrote:
Are you saying Trump, the master manipulator of the media, is scared?
"Scared" is also a derogatory insinuation, and it betrays a lack of objectivity regarding the man.

That was a question, not an assertion. You seemed to be making the insinuation. As opposed to you asserting that Obama would now be in prison if the press had not been on his side. I'd ask you to defend that statement, but I'm not in a mood to listen to you report a bunch of made up bull you dug up on the internet somewhere. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if he were guilty of something like this, I'd expect Trump to be pushing for prosecution, as he said he would for Hillary, and didn't.
Diogenes wrote:
Did they have some sort of pro-Trump effect on the election? I don't see how they could.

He managed to get elected in spite of them. All I can guess is that you can fool some of the people all of the time.
Tom Ligon wrote: This is the really hard part to explain: Trump praises people most good Americans detest, but lashes out at his friends.
Diogenes wrote: Such as? Tell me who these "good Americans" detest, because I'm at a loss to figure out from where you are getting this idea.

At this point, I think we're down to the underlying problem. Trump routinely has praise for enemies and attacks his allies, often viciously. If you don't understand that most Americans detest Putin, and are aghast that our President calls him a great leader whom he wants to get along with, is dead set against anyone looking into Russian meddling, fires or threatens to fire anyone he thinks might not block it, manages to praise the LFT on the side as a great leader, then your judgement on this is entirely suspect by American standards. Pretty much in line with Russian standards.

I don't know if Putin tried to hack voting machines. It would be tricky, and probably impossible to do in more than a few limited jurisdictions. Trickier now in our area ... we are back to paper ballots, which are scanned by machine but can be stored and re-scanned if hacking is suspected. This is because of worries of electronic hacking, from whatever source, and are back to maintaining a paper trail. The all-electronic voting machines we just retired only served a couple of elections. Prior to that we used a mechanical type that maintained a backup record on a paper roll, and that type was introduced when I was in elementary school in the early 60's.

There are other ways to influence an election besides hacking voting machines.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:22 pm
by Diogenes
Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Tom Ligon wrote:
Are you saying Trump, the master manipulator of the media, is scared?
"Scared" is also a derogatory insinuation, and it betrays a lack of objectivity regarding the man.

That was a question, not an assertion. You seemed to be making the insinuation. As opposed to you asserting that Obama would now be in prison if the press had not been on his side. I'd ask you to defend that statement, but I'm not in a mood to listen to you report a bunch of made up bull you dug up on the internet somewhere.

I believe the Lois Lerner IRS tax scandal actually made it to the television system briefly, but with very little coverage. Also I think the Bill Clinton/Loretta E. Lynch meeting on the tarmac made a brief mention on the television system. I'm not sure if the pallet loads of money sent to Iran got on Television, because I don't watch those people. There has been a little bit of coverage of the gun running scheme to Mexico, and a little bit of coverage of the gun running scheme to the "Syrian Rebels", but none of this stuff received nearly the coverage it deserved.

Had the Bush administration done any of these things, it would be a huge scandal, and the world would be hearing about it non-stop 24-7-365.

And that is the primary power of the media weapon system. They can focus it on what they like, and they can deliberately ignore things they don't want the public to hear about. Ignoring the wrongdoing or the appearance of wrongdoing of their political allies has become SOP.

Tom Ligon wrote: I'm not a fan of Obama, but if he were guilty of something like this, I'd expect Trump to be pushing for prosecution, as he said he would for Hillary, and didn't.

Obama is virtually immunized from prosecution. It would require exceptionally egregious and non-hideable offenses to be discovered on his part for anyone in the Justice Department to work up the courage to charge him with a crime. Because he is a Symbol, he is just not going to be held to the same standards as anyone else. The chaos that would be created within the country as a result of him being charged is probably the single biggest reason it won't happen if it can in any fashion be avoided.

On the other hand, Hillary's travails are not necessarily over. FBI is stonewalling on releasing whatever quantity of her emails that have so far been recovered, but there are people going to court to force them to release them.

"Lock her up", may have been good politics for candidate Trump, but it is not good politics for a President Trump, and he knows it.

Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Did they have some sort of pro-Trump effect on the election? I don't see how they could.

He managed to get elected in spite of them.

So for this event in relation to the "Russians hacked the election" meme, i'll put you down as a "no."

Tom Ligon wrote: All I can guess is that you can fool some of the people all of the time.

We can certainly agree on that, but probably with each of us having a different target group in mind.

Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote: Such as? Tell me who these "good Americans" detest, because I'm at a loss to figure out from where you are getting this idea.

At this point, I think we're down to the underlying problem. Trump routinely has praise for enemies and attacks his allies, often viciously. If you don't understand that most Americans detest Putin, and are aghast that our President calls him a great leader whom he wants to get along with,

I actually don't think most normal Americans give much thought to Putin. Focusing on International affairs is usually the obsession of a small minority of Americans. I perceive most Americans caring about Domestic issues, especially surrounding the economic security of themselves and their families. Calling Putin a "great leader" is just Trump's technique for buttering up people with whom he might want to make some sort of deal in the future.

Flattery doesn't cost anything.

Tom Ligon wrote: is dead set against anyone looking into Russian meddling,

Well I would have been too, once I realized that the entire issue is made up phony baloney plastic banana grade A bullsh*t which the Democrat media weapon keeps repeating over and over, though they have mostly shut up their lying mouths since several (not just "the Nation") liberal sources have concluded that the DNC wasn't hacked, and that it was an inside job. It makes the Seth Rich thing look even worse, and whether there is anything to the various reports that Seth Rich was the source for the Wikileaks dump is irrelevant. The "optics" look bad no matter how you look at it, and so the liberal social networking group known as "the media" have decided it is not in the best interest of their political allies to keep pushing the "Russians hacked the election" lie.

That's why "Charlottesville" became the new media meme/scandal. They badly wanted to get the "Russians hacked the election" meme off of the front pages and out of the minds of the public.

Tom Ligon wrote: fires or threatens to fire anyone he thinks might not block it, manages to praise the LFT on the side as a great leader, then your judgement on this is entirely suspect by American standards. Pretty much in line with Russian standards.

Yes, i'm a secret Russian agent provocateur tovarisch! :)

What's an LFT?

Tom Ligon wrote: I don't know if Putin tried to hack voting machines. It would be tricky, and probably impossible to do in more than a few limited jurisdictions. Trickier now in our area ... we are back to paper ballots, which are scanned by machine but can be stored and re-scanned if hacking is suspected. This is because of worries of electronic hacking, from whatever source, and are back to maintaining a paper trail. The all-electronic voting machines we just retired only served a couple of elections. Prior to that we used a mechanical type that maintained a backup record on a paper roll, and that type was introduced when I was in elementary school in the early 60's.

Every time I hear people going on about the "Russians Hacking the election!" all I can think of is "Witch!"

Tom Ligon wrote: There are other ways to influence an election besides hacking voting machines.

Absolutely. The most effective way of influencing elections is to have a trillion dollar broadcasting infrastructure monopoly that is controlled by one party. Then you can shape public opinion by how you cover things, and over time that translates into votes in the direction you want.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:58 pm
by ladajo
LFT = North Korea's "Little Fat Teenager", a great leader...