Democrats start to jump ship...

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Re: Democrats start to jump ship...

Post by hanelyp »

For one insurance companies are nothing but middle men, ...
There is no question insurance is a middle man. Real insurance provides a service by taking on a financial risk in exchange for a predictable payment. One problem with "health insurance" today is that so much of what it provides isn't really insurance but coverage of expenses that the consumer could predict and control if the medical service market operated transparently. Insulation of the consumer from such expenses can not help but inflate costs.

Julia needs to pay for her own birth control.
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Re: Democrats start to jump ship...

Post by Diogenes »

JLawson wrote:
Teahive wrote:The risk is being spread if you take the appropriate coverage. Which "a plan with dental insurance and catastrophic coverage" is not.
Yes, they get sick - 'just not as often'. Do you believe it's moral to make people buy things they don't want and possibly can't afford and may very well not need?

Most salient point in your response.

JLawson wrote: (I won't talk about whether it's legal - comprehensive auto and house insurance is there in case something happens, and it's required by businesses making the loans. Don't want insurance? Come up with the cash and you don't have to worry about taking out a loan and having comprehensive coverage in case something happens. Minimum auto collision coverage does cover the risk pool as decided by the state. But that's a good for all, and also seems to me like legalized gambling - you're betting you'll need it, they're betting you won't, and if you 'win' with an accident they make you play again and up the buy-in.)

You have touched upon a subject about which I feel very strongly.

I DETEST INSURANCE. I Detest the concept of it, I Detest forced participation in it, and I Detest the Fascist like Collusion going on between the Industry and the States regarding it.

I regard compulsory insurance as an infringement upon the inherent rights of man. It is simply a variation of the Feudal Vassal/Lord relationship in my opinion.

I HATE the insurance Industry, and I would dearly loved to see it wiped out and destroyed. I would burn it down with my own two hands were I able to do so. It is the tool of rent seeking courtiers, and it has become a form of oppression for the poor. (et al)

The Insurance industry has tamed the state to do it's dirty work for it, and this unholy alliance has so far performed well for those people who make their money in this business, but I am thinking that an appropriate comeuppance for those who seek to live by the power of the state is to place them into a position where they may be made to die by the power of the state.

If the State is going to force insurance upon us, I see no point in having a middle man. If we are to be made to pay an additional tax for the "privilege" of being able to use the public roads and ways, then by all means, we should pay it directly to the state and not let any of these unholy hybrid capitalist/statist creatures exist.

The State can obviously create a much larger risk pool than can any individual insurance company.

At this point, I want to push for the elimination of Insurance companies altogether, and make insurance just another function of the state. I want these Insurance companies destroyed by the very force they sought to use against others.

I want them to reap the whirlwind which they sowed.
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Re: Democrats start to jump ship...

Post by choff »

The problem for the insurance industry today is that it cannot survive in a ZIRP environment, not unless it becomes totally predatory, forcing rates up, forcing participation, never paying out on a claim. It makes setting up a sensible government managed health insurance scheme impossible, the whole financial industry needs major reform first.

The failure of Obamacare was not incompetence, it was very deliberately planned to fail, I've seen this movie played out before under Trudeau when the Canadian banking system was hijacked, he didn't dare touch the healthcare though, that would have been suicide. But he deliberately created inflation to force us on BASIL, then he jacked up the national debt to leave us stuck paying $2 Trillion in interest to foreign banks, all the time feigning financial incompetence.

This is meant to destroy the middle class, they will do everything to make it impossible to go back, only get worse pretending they're trying to fix it, disaster capitalism. Don't expect the right to fix it either, there is no left or right, that's the biggest scam going.

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