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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:22 pm
by JoeP
ScottL wrote:.. The man has done nothing but lose money his whole life. At best he's worth between 700 million and 2.5 billion, yet we know he'd be worth more had he simply not touched the money at all.
This is reasonable article on that issue: ... umps-fath/

I'm of the opinion that the man at least builds things, whether it is real estate, entertainment, or even brand.

While I'm not a Trump supporter, if he wins, as an American I am hoping that he can turn some things around since the US economy has been screwed for at least the last dozen years or so. One could argue even decades if that, considering all the wealth and manufacturing that has been sucked out of it due to OPEC oil and also trade imbalance with east Asian countries -- as well as "American" corporations that care nothing for their country. Things should have been much better and I agree that our politicians have implemented business and trade policies are that are idiotic.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:08 am
by williatw
ScottL wrote: I think she is as corrupt as Trump, but more capable than him.
Well here is someone who kinda sorta agrees with you:

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest

Jill Abramson

Image ... n#comments

Couldn't bring myself to post anymore; though I concede she isn't kidding about the shocked part. However there is this from the comments section:
This may shock you but she's a terrible liar
Remember the phantom serbian snipers
Though I suppose one could argue if one is a terrible liar easy to see through that makes you a kind of reverse barometer of the truth; never mind forget I said that.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:07 pm
by paperburn1
The largest problem with Hillary Clinton is that not she's a liar but the fact that whatever the crisis of the day will guide her opinions and her reactions to the situation. So whatever will benefit her most to keep her in the most favorable view of the critics of the day will be how she attends to the situation whatever it may be. Unfortunately this kind of person in charge of the White House will be the worst kind of person to have in charge of the White House. And as far as her dealings with Wall Street the term Republican lite comes to mind just like her husband Bill

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:24 pm
by williatw
paperburn1 wrote:The largest problem with Hillary Clinton is that not she's a liar but the fact that whatever the crisis of the day will guide her opinions and her reactions to the situation. So whatever will benefit her most to keep her in the most favorable view of the critics of the day will be how she attends to the situation whatever it may be. Unfortunately this kind of person in charge of the White House will be the worst kind of person to have in charge of the White House. And as far as her dealings with Wall Street the term Republican lite comes to mind just like her husband Bill

No...the largest problem with Hillary Clinton is:

Or as Christopher Hitchens put it, predicting that Hillary would be the next president after Obama: “I’ve feared it for a long time, and there’s something horrible and undefeatable about people who have no life except the worship of power. . . . people who don’t want the meeting to end, the people who just are unstoppable, who only have one focus, no humanity, no character, nothing but the worship of money and power. They win in the end.

Image ... inton.html

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:11 pm
by williatw

williatw wrote: President "Hitlery" will go full-bore femi-nazi misandry wants she get settled in; trying to right all the wrongs she feels she (& other women collectively) have suffered over a life time etc. Also people like that tend to attract like minded ones to her orbit who encourage enable her worst tendencies & enthusiastically carry out her wishes/policies.
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5887&p=120877&hilit ... ry#p120877

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:15 pm
by choff
There's a story going around that somebody broke into CIA headquarters and stole this Novembers presidential election results. :D

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:19 pm
by choff ... 778451290/

Ted seeks Legal Counsel, as the media is now pressing members of Canadian Immigration and Naturalization to clear the matter up, when instead, Canadian officials confirm the Ted Cruz was in fact born a legal citizen of Canada, the son of two parents who had also applied for and received Canadian citizenship prior to Ted's birth.

“He's a Canadian,” said Toronto lawyer Stephen Green, past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association's Citizenship and Immigration Section.
“Generally speaking, under the Citizenship Act of 1947, those born in Canada were automatically citizens at birth unless their parent was a foreign diplomat, ”said ministry spokeswoman Julie Lafortune.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:02 pm
by TDPerk
choff wrote: ... 778451290/

Ted seeks Legal Counsel, as the media is now pressing members of Canadian Immigration and Naturalization to clear the matter up, when instead, Canadian officials confirm the Ted Cruz was in fact born a legal citizen of Canada, the son of two parents who had also applied for and received Canadian citizenship prior to Ted's birth.
It never happened. His birth was never registered with Canadian authorities, only with US consular officials. His mother has solely been a US citizen and was eligible to pass on that citizenship to Cruz at his birth. As a matter of law this is automatic if proved, and legally unquestionable if proven at any point before his 18th birthday, it took place in his first year.

The linked to facebook! post contains no evidence whatsoever of anything to the contrary of this, but solely is filled with assertions. In contrast, documentation proving the provenance of Cruz's citizenship is already on file of the various county and consular offices and reported by to be so by the press who viewed the documents.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:35 pm
by hanelyp
The people screaming "Cruz is Canadian" seem inclined to advance any fact or pretension that may prevent him from advancing towards the White House. From my personal perspective, better a man born on Canadian soil and raised an American than a man born on Hawaiian soil and raised a Kenyan.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:56 pm
by williatw
hanelyp wrote: From my personal perspective, better a man born on Canadian soil and raised an American than a man born on Hawaiian soil and raised a Kenyan.
Hawaii is American soil, made a State in '59 and was a territory of US decades before that....and he (Obama) was raised by his American mother and American grandparents. He only met his Kenyan father once, he (the father) left them at an early age.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:33 pm
by ladajo
Except for when they lived in Indonesia.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:23 am
by williatw
ladajo wrote:Except for when they lived in Indonesia.

Yes he lived in Indonesia for a time Oct1967 to (when his re-married mom's husband obtained employment there) to 1971 when he returned to Hawaii. It was there he was visited by his yes Kenyan father for about a month; the last time he saw him. He remained in Hawaii raised by his Mother's parents (his grandparents) until he graduated HS; whereupon he went to Los Angeles to start his college studies. The point was that he was hardly "raised a Kenyan", he spent most of his childhood & teen years in the United States (Hawaii) raised by his American mothers' parents. ... #Indonesia

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:34 am
by williatw
More on Trump from Jerry Pournelle:

The Republican Establishment, and some of the anti-establishment people I have considerable respect for, are in panic mode as Trump moves closer to inevitable First Ballot Nomination. It’s easy to see why the Establishment is terrified. Then there are the others.

1. He can’t beat Hillary. Doesn’t he know that? The media playing along with him now, but they hate him, and the instant he’s nominated they will turn on him with a vengeance.

A few months ago it was considered impossible for Mr. Trump to be the nominee. He’d drop out soon enough. Didn’t he realize it was impossible? Yet, here he is. As to the media, does anyone believe that Trump doesn’t know they hate him? And even if he were that naïve, is everyone around him also that stupid? It is not rational to think Mr. Trump can be astonished at the notion that he is not popular with the drive by media.

He has already attracted a significant number of Democrats to his camp. Mostly white working class, who feel betrayed by the Democrat machines but certainly were not going to turn to Wall Street and the Republican Country Club establishment for relief. They want jobs, not free stuff; domestic tranquility, not diversity schemes; some expectation of being important again as they were in the long dead times after World War II. They don’t trust Hillary. They don’t trust the Country Club. They have discovered that the Democrat Establishment has expelled the New Democrats who elected and reelected Bill Clinton, and even Hillary has gone over to buying their dignity with free stuff.

It may be a close race, but then they said Reagan was just an actor, and that would be too close. Better Establishment candidate Gerry Ford… .

2. He’s no conservative.

No. He’s not. He accepts the conservative alternative to many problems, but he’s not an ideological anything. He’s a pragmatic populist. I will have to write more about the differences between Populism, Conservatism, and Democracy, but not today; I’m running out of time.

I will remind you that the one phrase nearly every one of the Founder in Philadelphia were agreed on was “There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide.” They founded a Republic, not a democracy, a nation of states that did not agree on many matters, but were determined to preserve their own way of life.

Image ... t-matters/

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:56 am
by choff
"The media playing along with him now, but they hate him, and the instant he’s nominated they will turn on him with a vengeance."

The 'media' only have a 6% approval rating, they don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:59 pm
by TDPerk
" The 'media' only have a 6% approval rating, they don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. "

And things have been that way for a very long. It must be then, because they retain such influence, that it does not matter and the conjecture that the media created him will destroy him, is to be assumed.

As for Trump! being a pragmatic populist, I see no prudence or pragmatism in any of the positions he has stuck with for so long as a month at a time, at least not those which come to mind.