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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:25 pm
by Diogenes
AcesHigh wrote:too many threads created by tea-partiers to bash the democrats here. I guess we need a thread making fun of Sarah Palin, the leader of the tea-partiers.

Not really. You already have ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, The Universities, the Newspapers, the Magazines, and all the Movie companies in California, but if you feel you need a thread to add to the scream fest, go for it!

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:00 pm
by seedload
rjaypeters wrote:
seedload wrote:But, sadly, he was just not a very good president at all. Maybe too much integrity. Maybe too much intractable ideology in the face of too much opposition. I don't know. Probably the wrong ideology for the times. Just not the right man for the job, sorry.
Too much integrity? To be the President of the United States? I thought integrity was a qualification. Naive me.

Please remember who the previously elected President was before Carter. At least candidate Carter admitted his faults. Part of the reason President Carter was elected was to "restore honor to the Presidency." Where have I heard _that_ phrase before?
Thinking... remembering... wait for it... I got it... Nixon, right? So Nixon being a cheat/criminal/prick means what exactly about Carter?

Whatever honor he "restored" didn't translate to national pride or productivity. It took another great man for that to happen.

More concretely, Carter is pretty much universally excepted as not being a great president.

"A 2000 survey by The Wall Street Journal consisted of an "ideologically balanced group of 132 prominent professors of history, law, and political science". This poll sought to include an equal number of liberals and conservatives in the survey, as the editors argued that previous polls were dominated by either one group or the other, but never balanced. According to the editors, this poll included responses from more women, minorities, and young professors than the 1996 Schlesinger poll. The editors noted that the results of their poll were "remarkably similar" to the 1996 Schlesinger poll, with the main difference in the 2000 poll being the lower rankings for the 1960s presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy, and higher ranking of President Ronald Reagan at #8. Franklin Roosevelt still ranked in the top three."

Note the ideologically right Wall Street Journal trying to do a balanced poll. Carters result - #34.

"Another presidential poll was conducted by The Wall Street Journal in 2005, with James Lindgren of Northwestern University Law School for the Federalist Society.[7] As in the 2000 survey, the editors sought to balance the opinions of liberals and conservatives, adjusting the results "to give Democratic- and Republican-leaning scholars equal weight." Franklin D. Roosevelt still ranked in the top-three, but editor James Taranto noted that Democratic-leaning scholars rated George W. Bush the sixth-worst president of all time, while Republican scholars rated him the sixth-best, giving him a split-decision rating of "average"."

Note the ideologically left Times trying to do a balanced poll.
Carters result - #32.

"A 2010 Siena poll of 238 Presidential scholars found that former president George W. Bush was ranked 39th out of 43, with poor ratings in handling of the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence. Meanwhile, the current president, Barack Obama was ranked 15th out of 43, with high ratings for imagination, communication ability and intelligence and a low rating for background (family, education and experience)"

A more recent poll of scholars.
Carters result - #32.

So, whatever. Good luck to you.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:24 pm
by seedload
AcesHigh wrote:too many threads created by tea-partiers to bash the democrats here. I guess we need a thread making fun of Sarah Palin, the leader of the tea-partiers.
If you want to start a thread to bash Sarah Palin then go for it.

Not sure I agree with you linking being a "tea-partier" to being a democratic basher is fair though.

You might want to consider the possibility that some people just want the government to be less intrusive into the economics of our lives. Those same people may tend to strongly disagree with leadership that does the opposite of this and supports re-distributive policies.

As for Palin being the leader, I would tend to think of her as more of a latcher on. Whether she latched on is because she agrees or because of political expediency, I don't know. Might be both.

Anyway, Go for it!

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:10 pm
by rjaypeters
seedload wrote:Thinking... remembering... wait for it... I got it... Nixon, right? So Nixon being a cheat/criminal/prick means what exactly about Carter?
Just that our country was looking for a change. Republican to Democrat, "Tricky Dick" to someone who most assuredly wasn't.
seedload wrote:Whatever honor he "restored" didn't translate to national pride or productivity. It took another great man for that to happen.
Indeed. Ronald Reagan with all his virtues and faults had the advantage of succeeding Carter. One of Ronald Reagan's virtues illustrates the power of positive thinking*. Would Ronald Reagan had done as well if he had been elected instead of Carter? We will never know.
seedload wrote:More concretely, Carter is pretty much universally excepted as not being a great president.
My point was about the personal integrity of an individual, Jimmy Carter. Secret Service personnel, former diplomats and lots of other people who are indentified, or not, have their own agendas.

So, whatever. Good luck to you, too.

*EDIT: Addendum: "Morning in America." To get to the morning, we must go through the night. In a lot of ways the 1970s were not a good decade for the U.S. President Carter got the night and we certainly did NOT like it. Almost by the power of personality alone, candidate Reagan was able to remind people of many of the good things about the United States.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:39 pm
by ladajo
Diogenes wrote:
ladajo wrote:Budget cuts did not doom the rescue.
Lack of Joint Interoperability, lack of depth and redundancy in the plan, and going "a bridge to far" doomed the plan.
That was an extreme stretch of the string to pull off. And guess what, the string broke. Carter had nothing to do with it. They were already at abort criteria when the accident happened.

They were at abort criteria before they even attempted the plan. Carter refused to send the requisite quantity of resources to do the job because he wanted to keep our presence low. This is otherwise known as "pussyfooting" around.
Fair enough on abort before start, but talking with guys who were invovled, they pretty much got what they asked for. They admit they did not get more (or ask hard) as they really did not have more to get at the time.
I fully agree it was thin going in on many levels.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:06 pm
by Diogenes
ladajo wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
ladajo wrote:Budget cuts did not doom the rescue.
Lack of Joint Interoperability, lack of depth and redundancy in the plan, and going "a bridge to far" doomed the plan.
That was an extreme stretch of the string to pull off. And guess what, the string broke. Carter had nothing to do with it. They were already at abort criteria when the accident happened.

They were at abort criteria before they even attempted the plan. Carter refused to send the requisite quantity of resources to do the job because he wanted to keep our presence low. This is otherwise known as "pussyfooting" around.
Fair enough on abort before start, but talking with guys who were invovled, they pretty much got what they asked for. They admit they did not get more (or ask hard) as they really did not have more to get at the time.
I fully agree it was thin going in on many levels.

If you have direct information from people involved in the operation than your data is better than mine. I've spoken to people who were stationed in Iran and saw the great darkness coming, (They all blame Carter to a man.) but no one who was actually "In" Operation Eagle's claw. " (Of Which I know.)

I recall LIVING through the Carter era, and how disappointed I was in everything that occurred and how he responded to it. When the Iranians took our Hostages, many of us perceived that it was because Carter was such a weak milquetoast leader, and when the rescue mission disaster occurred, we also attributed that to Carter's fecklessness.

The word going round the base (Ft. Sill) was that Carter refused to provide enough men and equipment because he was concerned about the perception of other countries to a massive American military presence. In other words, he sent the bare minimum necessary to accomplish the mission if NOTHING went wrong.

I no longer recall the exact details of what went wrong first (I used to know this, but now I have to look it up) but the point was there was no margin for error. (I'm sorta remembering that one helicopter was taken out by sand, possibly in the gearbox.)

The point is, the entire mission failure was attributed to Carter's fecklessness, so either rightly or wrongly, Jimmy Carter was perceived as the main problem with everything going wrong for America at that time. (Carter even claimed responsibility. I'll give him that much.)

Carter was the Worst disaster of a President (Including John Kennedy) until the current sauropod in the Oval office.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:29 pm
by Diogenes
Stuff like this doesn't help Carter's legacy at all.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:37 pm
by Diogenes
And this. I don't agree with this list, but there it is.

23) Saul Alinsky (7)
23) Bill Clinton (7)
23) Hillary Clinton (7)
19) Michael Moore (7)
19) George Soros (8 )
19) Alger Hiss (8 )
19) Al Sharpton (8 )
13) Al Gore (9)
13) Noam Chomsky (9)
13) Richard Nixon (9)
13) Jane Fonda (9)
13) Harry Reid (9)
13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
11) Margaret Sanger (10)
9) Aldrich Ames (11)
9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
7) Ted Kennedy (14)
7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
5) Benedict Arnold (17)
5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
4) The Rosenbergs (19)
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)
2) Barack Obama (23)
1) Jimmy Carter (25) ... n-history/

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:22 pm
by ladajo
Diogenes wrote:
ladajo wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
They were at abort criteria before they even attempted the plan. Carter refused to send the requisite quantity of resources to do the job because he wanted to keep our presence low. This is otherwise known as "pussyfooting" around.
Fair enough on abort before start, but talking with guys who were invovled, they pretty much got what they asked for. They admit they did not get more (or ask hard) as they really did not have more to get at the time.
I fully agree it was thin going in on many levels.

If you have direct information from people involved in the operation than your data is better than mine. I've spoken to people who were stationed in Iran and saw the great darkness coming, (They all blame Carter to a man.) but no one who was actually "In" Operation Eagle's claw. " (Of Which I know.)

I recall LIVING through the Carter era, and how disappointed I was in everything that occurred and how he responded to it. When the Iranians took our Hostages, many of us perceived that it was because Carter was such a weak milquetoast leader, and when the rescue mission disaster occurred, we also attributed that to Carter's fecklessness.

The word going round the base (Ft. Sill) was that Carter refused to provide enough men and equipment because he was concerned about the perception of other countries to a massive American military presence. In other words, he sent the bare minimum necessary to accomplish the mission if NOTHING went wrong.

I no longer recall the exact details of what went wrong first (I used to know this, but now I have to look it up) but the point was there was no margin for error. (I'm sorta remembering that one helicopter was taken out by sand, possibly in the gearbox.)

The point is, the entire mission failure was attributed to Carter's fecklessness, so either rightly or wrongly, Jimmy Carter was perceived as the main problem with everything going wrong for America at that time. (Carter even claimed responsibility. I'll give him that much.)

Carter was the Worst disaster of a President (Including John Kennedy) until the current sauropod in the Oval office.
I recall Carter taking the blame as well. However to be fair, he had asked what they needed, "they" (in a disjointed manner) told him, and he said do it. There were upfront limitations to the equipment used as well as the forces, and their ability to operate together. No real rehearsals, nothing like how we would plan and execute this sort of thing today. It was very adhoc, mostly as a result of trying to pull together the needed functional assets to pull it off.
What did we get out of it? We got a focus and kick in the pants that helped us out of the post vietnam maliase with the advent of Nunn-Cohen, Delta & others, the Joint Operations mandate, SOCOM, and the list continues. It was a bad thing that energized the system to re-organize and re-think in an effort that continues today. That little accident in the desert had huge downstream effects.

It was a plan with little depth, and suffered for it. The least of which was the re-fueling point incident. More dramatic, and potentially more disastrous was the effort underway in Tehran to support the extractions. It may well have been a good thing we never got that far into the plan.

In my undergrad days, one of my profs was a former State guy who was stationed in Iran. He was one of the folks that exited in the run ups to the embassy seizure. Many of his friends were in the 76. He had some interesting stories and thoughts from his experiences, as well as provided some framework for the post seizure events.

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:23 pm
by imaginatium
Diogenes wrote:
imaginatium wrote:
Jccarlton wrote:Obama is starting to make Jimmy Carter look good. Also Bernanke is an idiot: ... es_fortune
I went through this once in the '70s. I never thought that anybody would ever be so stupid to think that inflation is anything other than stone cold misery. I was wrong.
Just about anyone in politics makes Jimmy Carter look good. Jimmy Carter is a man of great honesty, integrity, and compassion, and is one of the finest human beings I've had the privilege of knowing. It's not a persons politics that makes him great, it's his character.

Being compared to Carter is a compliment. And Obama would be proud to be compared to Carter, whether he deserves it or not.

That is not what his Secret Service agents said about him. They said he was pompous, arrogant, condescending, deceitful and a real jerk to work for.

There is also an accusation that he attempted to force a Georgian Management company on the Shah of Iran, which the Shah rejected, resulting in the animosity between Jimmy and The Shah, resulting in Jimmy doing everything he could to undermine the Shah.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Jimmy's hapless dealings with the Shah, are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and may likely be responsible for the deaths of millions more.

My friend, I think there is perhaps an entire world of Jimmy Carter ineptitude (at best) that would be opened up for you if you choose to explore it. Till Obama, he was the WORST PRESIDENT in History!

I know Officers which were stationed in Iran who curse his name to this very day.

Just how many of those alleged secret service agent's do you personally know and have a friendship with? I don't need to rely on the dubious writing of right wing propagandists, to tell me about who Jimmy Carter is; I can rely on my own extensive personal experience with him. There is a whole world of Jimmy Carter compassion generosity and service, that would be opened to you if you choose to explore it.

Kessler, in my estimation have no credibility. Let me clue you in on something, that you are obviously oblivious to: anyone who consistently paints those who agree with his politics as saints, and those who disagree with his politics as despots, either has a completely distorted view of reality, or is an intentional liar pushing an agenda.

I've know many people, who fall all over the political, social, religious, and philosophical spectrum. And I can safely say that there is no correlation between ideology and character.

Can you really think Carter has EVER been the worst president in history??? Are you forgetting about such ignominies as Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush ( just to name a few).

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:13 am
by Jccarlton
imaginatium wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
imaginatium wrote: Just about anyone in politics makes Jimmy Carter look good. Jimmy Carter is a man of great honesty, integrity, and compassion, and is one of the finest human beings I've had the privilege of knowing. It's not a persons politics that makes him great, it's his character.

Being compared to Carter is a compliment. And Obama would be proud to be compared to Carter, whether he deserves it or not.

That is not what his Secret Service agents said about him. They said he was pompous, arrogant, condescending, deceitful and a real jerk to work for.

There is also an accusation that he attempted to force a Georgian Management company on the Shah of Iran, which the Shah rejected, resulting in the animosity between Jimmy and The Shah, resulting in Jimmy doing everything he could to undermine the Shah.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Jimmy's hapless dealings with the Shah, are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and may likely be responsible for the deaths of millions more.

My friend, I think there is perhaps an entire world of Jimmy Carter ineptitude (at best) that would be opened up for you if you choose to explore it. Till Obama, he was the WORST PRESIDENT in History!

I know Officers which were stationed in Iran who curse his name to this very day.

Just how many of those alleged secret service agent's do you personally know and have a friendship with? I don't need to rely on the dubious writing of right wing propagandists, to tell me about who Jimmy Carter is; I can rely on my own extensive personal experience with him. There is a whole world of Jimmy Carter compassion generosity and service, that would be opened to you if you choose to explore it.

Kessler, in my estimation have no credibility. Let me clue you in on something, that you are obviously oblivious to: anyone who consistently paints those who agree with his politics as saints, and those who disagree with his politics as despots, either has a completely distorted view of reality, or is an intentional liar pushing an agenda.

I've know many people, who fall all over the political, social, religious, and philosophical spectrum. And I can safely say that there is no correlation between ideology and character.

Can you really think Carter has EVER been the worst president in history??? Are you forgetting about such ignominies as Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush ( just to name a few).
I have never met Jimmy Carter, but I had to live with the consequences of his policies. In all too many places he had the incredible gift of always following the wrong path. This included his foreign policy, with the potentially disastrous ABM treaty and SALT treaties, the fall of the Shah and other Mideast policies and letting the Soviets run rampant all over Africa and South America. His domestic policies were just as bad, frequently being based on the crackpot ideas of the likes of Paul Erlich, Amory Lovins and other Club of Rome greenie end of the world crazies. His energy programs which left all too many if us in the cold were a hoot. You do know that it gets cold at night in New England. Then of course the wonderful financial policies with their hidden tax increases and the destruction of a lot of peoples savings. You add it all up and it's hard to find a President who's tenure is one that all too many of us wish we would not repeat.

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:10 am
by Diogenes
imaginatium wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
imaginatium wrote: Just about anyone in politics makes Jimmy Carter look good. Jimmy Carter is a man of great honesty, integrity, and compassion, and is one of the finest human beings I've had the privilege of knowing. It's not a persons politics that makes him great, it's his character.

Being compared to Carter is a compliment. And Obama would be proud to be compared to Carter, whether he deserves it or not.

That is not what his Secret Service agents said about him. They said he was pompous, arrogant, condescending, deceitful and a real jerk to work for.

There is also an accusation that he attempted to force a Georgian Management company on the Shah of Iran, which the Shah rejected, resulting in the animosity between Jimmy and The Shah, resulting in Jimmy doing everything he could to undermine the Shah.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Jimmy's hapless dealings with the Shah, are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and may likely be responsible for the deaths of millions more.

My friend, I think there is perhaps an entire world of Jimmy Carter ineptitude (at best) that would be opened up for you if you choose to explore it. Till Obama, he was the WORST PRESIDENT in History!

I know Officers which were stationed in Iran who curse his name to this very day.

Just how many of those alleged secret service agent's do you personally know and have a friendship with? I don't need to rely on the dubious writing of right wing propagandists, to tell me about who Jimmy Carter is; I can rely on my own extensive personal experience with him. There is a whole world of Jimmy Carter compassion generosity and service, that would be opened to you if you choose to explore it.

Kessler, in my estimation have no credibility. Let me clue you in on something, that you are obviously oblivious to: anyone who consistently paints those who agree with his politics as saints, and those who disagree with his politics as despots, either has a completely distorted view of reality, or is an intentional liar pushing an agenda.

I've know many people, who fall all over the political, social, religious, and philosophical spectrum. And I can safely say that there is no correlation between ideology and character.

Can you really think Carter has EVER been the worst president in history??? Are you forgetting about such ignominies as Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush ( just to name a few).

I know he pressured the Shah to halt his "Death Squads" which at this point appears to have been the only thing keeping the Religious fanatics in Iran under control. I know Jimmy Carter pressured the Shah into tolerating dissent that the Shah would not have tolerated had he not been so pressured by Jimmy Carter into doing so.

I know that when the Shah asked the United States for help in stemming the tide of the Violent revolution which was sweeping Iran at that time, Jimmy Carter refused. I know Jimmy Carter's state department urged the Military officers of Iran to co-operate with the new blood thirsty Religious fanatics taking over the nation. Every officer that did as they were advised by the American Government was murdered in cold blood.

I know that when the Revolutionaries committed an ACT of WAR against the United States, we vacillated and begged and pleaded with them (thereby emboldening them) When we should have beaten the Holy Stupid out of them!

IRAN is going to make a nuclear bomb and they are GOING to drop it on Israel. Israel is going to Nuke every City IN Iran, and the nations in the Gulf will be plunged into the most blood thirsty war that has ever occurred.

Jimmy Carter's compassion for the Iranian Underdogs during the Shah's reign is going to result in the most massive bloodletting the world has ever known. The Iranians believe the 12 Imam is coming, and that massive bloodshed is the signal of his coming. They are on the path to create a self fulfilling prophecy.

Words fail. I don't have enough, or passionate enough to describe the consequences of Jimmy Carter being President. In any case, I think you've stopped listening. When mistakes are measured in MEGADEATHS, Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush, simply don't measure up.

Carter OWNS Iran.

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:48 am
by imaginatium
Diogenes wrote:
imaginatium wrote:
Diogenes wrote:

That is not what his Secret Service agents said about him. They said he was pompous, arrogant, condescending, deceitful and a real jerk to work for.

There is also an accusation that he attempted to force a Georgian Management company on the Shah of Iran, which the Shah rejected, resulting in the animosity between Jimmy and The Shah, resulting in Jimmy doing everything he could to undermine the Shah.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Jimmy's hapless dealings with the Shah, are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and may likely be responsible for the deaths of millions more.

My friend, I think there is perhaps an entire world of Jimmy Carter ineptitude (at best) that would be opened up for you if you choose to explore it. Till Obama, he was the WORST PRESIDENT in History!

I know Officers which were stationed in Iran who curse his name to this very day.

Just how many of those alleged secret service agent's do you personally know and have a friendship with? I don't need to rely on the dubious writing of right wing propagandists, to tell me about who Jimmy Carter is; I can rely on my own extensive personal experience with him. There is a whole world of Jimmy Carter compassion generosity and service, that would be opened to you if you choose to explore it.

Kessler, in my estimation have no credibility. Let me clue you in on something, that you are obviously oblivious to: anyone who consistently paints those who agree with his politics as saints, and those who disagree with his politics as despots, either has a completely distorted view of reality, or is an intentional liar pushing an agenda.

I've know many people, who fall all over the political, social, religious, and philosophical spectrum. And I can safely say that there is no correlation between ideology and character.

Can you really think Carter has EVER been the worst president in history??? Are you forgetting about such ignominies as Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush ( just to name a few).

I know he pressured the Shah to halt his "Death Squads" which at this point appears to have been the only thing keeping the Religious fanatics in Iran under control. I know Jimmy Carter pressured the Shah into tolerating dissent that the Shah would not have tolerated had he not been so pressured by Jimmy Carter into doing so.

I know that when the Shah asked the United States for help in stemming the tide of the Violent revolution which was sweeping Iran at that time, Jimmy Carter refused. I know Jimmy Carter's state department urged the Military officers of Iran to co-operate with the new blood thirsty Religious fanatics taking over the nation. Every officer that did as they were advised by the American Government was murdered in cold blood.

I know that when the Revolutionaries committed an ACT of WAR against the United States, we vacillated and begged and pleaded with them (thereby emboldening them) When we should have beaten the Holy Stupid out of them!

IRAN is going to make a nuclear bomb and they are GOING to drop it on Israel. Israel is going to Nuke every City IN Iran, and the nations in the Gulf will be plunged into the most blood thirsty war that has ever occurred.

Jimmy Carter's compassion for the Iranian Underdogs during the Shah's reign is going to result in the most massive bloodletting the world has ever known. The Iranians believe the 12 Imam is coming, and that massive bloodshed is the signal of his coming. They are on the path to create a self fulfilling prophecy.

Words fail. I don't have enough, or passionate enough to describe the consequences of Jimmy Carter being President. In any case, I think you've stopped listening. When mistakes are measured in MEGADEATHS, Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, James Buchanan, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush, simply don't measure up.

Carter OWNS Iran.
The presidency of George W Bush, has already resulted in MEGADEATHS, by his command, not just as a indirect consequence.

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:31 pm
by seedload
imaginatium wrote:There is a whole world of Jimmy Carter compassion generosity and service, that would be opened to you if you choose to explore it.
Compassion, generosity and service are not in the job description. They are liberal constructs of government.

The idea that compassion trumps liberty is the problem!
The idea that generosity trumps liberty is the problem!
The idea that service trumps liberty is the problem!

The idea that one can take his internal compassion, generosity and dedication to service and impose that upon others IS THE PROBLEM!

Anyway, back on topic. Many people are very nice and very inept at the same time. Not sure that saying Carter is nice says much of anything.

Re: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look Good

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:59 pm
by seedload
imaginatium wrote:The presidency of George W Bush, has already resulted in MEGADEATHS, by his command, not just as a indirect consequence.
As did the Presidential direct commands of many Presidents, many of whom are universally considered great! Lincoln for example!

Not saying that Bush was great, just saying that giving commands that result in many deaths are often necessary and right.

Say for example, that an evil dictator is killing and torturing his people at an exceedingly fast clip and that all indications are that this trend is not going to stop, continuing even into succession, then overthrowing said dictator might not be that bad a thing even if the direct order results in deaths.