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What do the little people think?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:57 am
by Aero
After being shaken down for $20 billion, he explained that he seriously grieved for the plight of the little people before going off to the Yacht races after being replaced as honcho of the oil spill.

Is this arrogance or just a bad day? And is their any fairness in this life? I mean, obviously from hind sight, BP needed a public relations spin mister expert in charge of the speechifying buy why did they fire him? Is it because now, with $20 billion out there, that's real money so it's time to put the first team, or what?

Re: What do the little people think?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:55 am
by MSimon
Aero wrote:After being shaken down for $20 billion, he explained that he seriously grieved for the plight of the little people before going off to the Yacht races after being replaced as honcho of the oil spill.

Is this arrogance or just a bad day? And is their any fairness in this life? I mean, obviously from hind sight, BP needed a public relations spin mister expert in charge of the speechifying buy why did they fire him? Is it because now, with $20 billion out there, that's real money so it's time to put the first team, or what?
The Resident was off playing golf while the Gulf burned. Hardly a whisper of complaint about that.

BTW the money will not be used for its intended purpose. Like the tobacco settlement it will be a political slush fund.

Note that the Jones Act was not waived nor was its waiver even contemplated by the Resident. See the first video here: ... esing.html

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:39 am
by Josh Cryer
Nah, the money will be doled out appropriately. If it's not you can expect a really nasty PR backlash from it.

CEOs and elites don't really think about the consequences of their actions.

At least Obama chose to play golf on an air force base rather than some course up in Vermont.

Little known fact, but the $20 billion escrow was actually BP avoiding lots of lawsuits and giving their investors security, it wasn't really done "for the people." Hint: BPs stock portfolio jumped when it was announced.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:56 pm
by GIThruster
This little person thinks OBama is thrilled to have this crisis on his hands. All appearance is that he has no intention of cleaning up the mess until it does maximum damage so that he can break BP over his knee. He hates capitalism and here is his chance to ruin BP, the UK and the EU all at once.

18 million pensions in the UK at stake, in a country with a population of just 62 million and yet, the world's sixth largest economy. If BP goes broke, so does the UK and with Greece, Romania and Spain all on the ropes, all of the EU will fall.

OBama WANTS a $300 billion clean-up price tag because he knows the Gulf will eventually spring back to normal but the remains of capitalism in the west will all be gone.

Is there any other plausible reason that still after more than 2 months, he has not set Jones aside and let all the help he can get enter the Gulf?

I don't think so.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:22 pm
by MSimon
Is there a chance BP will actually profit from this mess?

(cross posted from a new thread I started)
Responding to President Obama’s speech on the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, The National Center for Public Policy Research is calling attention to BP’s role in pushing Obama’s cap-and-trade energy policy.

BP was a founding member of the United States Climate Action Partnership – a lobbying coalition that played a key role in passing the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill that passed the House of Representatives last year and the company also played a role in negotiating the terms of the Kerry-Lieberman bill recently introduced in the Senate.

“It’s ironic that Obama is touting legislation inspired by BP. While Obama criticized the oil industry’s influence over its regulators he failed to mention the role BP was playing in influencing the president’s cherished cap-and-trade legislation,” said Tom Borelli, Ph.D., Director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.

“Maybe in addition to the tragedy in the Gulf, Obama and BP CEO Tony Hayward will discuss cap-and-trade legislative strategy when they meet,” added Tom Borelli.

According to The Hill, “Hayward indicated he was encouraged by the effort by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) to write compromise climate legislation.” Other media outlets reported on BP’s effort to improve the elements of the bill.

Senator Kerry also mentioned BP as one of the companies that supports his cap-and-trade bill. ... 61610.html
So you have to ask yourself. What is in it for BP?

Look at what Edison did to get the government to handicap his competition:

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:41 am
by hanelyp
MSimon wrote:Is there a chance BP will actually profit from this mess?
Not in a sane world.

... Oh, wait, maybe they will profit from this mess.