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Topic Drift, is it really a problem on Talk-Polywell?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:36 pm
by Aero
It seems that topic drift is perceived as a problem by some members of the Talk-Polywell forum. Are those members a minority or a majority? Of course it doesn't matter, minority or majority, only the moderators can control topic drift. It may be that the discussion forum for Polywell fusion has served its purpose in the eyes of some, and therefore any topic is fair game for hijacking.

Where do you stand? Please read all of the choices then enter your selection and post a reply if you feel like it. This is a 10 day poll

Re: Topic Drift, is it really a problem on Talk-Polywell?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:40 pm
by Diogenes
Aero wrote:It seems that topic drift is perceived as a problem by some members of the Talk-Polywell forum. Are those members a minority or a majority? Of course it doesn't matter, minority or majority, only the moderators can control topic drift. It may be that the discussion forum for Polywell fusion has served its purpose in the eyes of some, and therefore any topic is fair game for hijacking.

Where do you stand? Please read all of the choices then enter your selection and post a reply if you feel like it. This is a 10 day poll

Controlling "topic drift" is like herding cats. I would prefer that people remain on topic, but I recognize that some people simply cannot do this. Occasionally I have the same problem myself.

It's like the rain. Like it or not, it happens regardless.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:50 pm
by Betruger
Only a problem outside the General forum. General-topic off-shoots in those forums should move to General by the users' own doing, spontaneously.

The only time T-P, IMO, seriously loses credibility even while keeping polemics properly channeled inside General is in extreme cases like Isochroma's spam tactics or more recently a few advocating involuntary sterilization. How the heck that has a place on a forum that seeks to attract a max of new fusion enthusiasts, I don't know.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:08 pm
by KitemanSA
Why in the world should topic drift influence my opinion about "Polywell Fusion"? It may influence my opinion about "Talk-Polywell" as a forum and it certainly influences my opinion about the drift initiators. But PF? No.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:41 pm
by TallDave
So, how bout them Cubs?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:09 pm
by Aero
KitemanSA wrote:Why in the world should topic drift influence my opinion about "Polywell Fusion"? It may influence my opinion about "Talk-Polywell" as a forum and it certainly influences my opinion about the drift initiators. But PF? No.
Evidently we should have designed this poll in committee.

Topic drift influences opinion about Polywell fusion simply by inhibiting the reader's concentration and focus needed to understand the technical topic. Further, folks with proper background and education are inhibited from posting for lack of spare time to dig the "wheat" from the "chaff." What one does not understand, one generally holds a low opinion of.

Compare the task of understanding Polywell fusion to that of understanding Heim theory. Understanding of Heim theory is generally precluded by the esoteric mathematics and language used. Understanding of Polywell fusion is to some extent precluded by side tracks, distractions and lack of focus on the threads - topic drift, in other words.

Now, if that doesn't introduce drift on this thread, I'll be surprised. So surprise me.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:50 pm
by chrismb
The recent issue has nothing to do with 'Topic drift'.

It is about topics being put in totally the wrong forum.

If the forum header reads; "Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion." then it isn't drift to talk about US politics it is just plain wrong to do so.

The correct approach is to say "I have a point to raise tangentially related to this post, and I am putting it in the general section here; http://etc...This is topic drift, and that is fine. Persisting with the idiocy of blighting a news item with something unrelated is wrong and is now un-stitching the once-sound fabric of this forum.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:23 pm
by Roger
Chris - correct.
Some drift is bound to happen, but the mods @ nasaspaceflight would have a field day. I would approve of the mods being more proactive in this area, I'm sure they have the time. I think technical drift in a technical topic is on the surface, Ok.

On the other hand there are a few smarty pants here that need to show some self control or be controlled.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:20 am
by Betruger
Semantics, but I don't see how topic drift isn't the same as stray topics in the wrong forums. The latter's instantaneously wrong and the former only so eventually, but they're both the same wrong: right and wrong topics in the wrong places. Slightly different things with the exact same result.

I personally don't mind topic drift or eccentric topics. But I think it's common sense that people coming to T-P for PW and fusion news could totally disagree and "blacklist" the website because of wayward topics and/or more "extreme" topics in General, independently of how valuable is their input/influence WRT PW and fusion.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:01 am
by vankirkc
chrismb wrote:The recent issue has nothing to do with 'Topic drift'.

It is about topics being put in totally the wrong forum.

If the forum header reads; "Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion." then it isn't drift to talk about US politics it is just plain wrong to do so.

The correct approach is to say "I have a point to raise tangentially related to this post, and I am putting it in the general section here; http://etc...This is topic drift, and that is fine. Persisting with the idiocy of blighting a news item with something unrelated is wrong and is now un-stitching the once-sound fabric of this forum.
I think it's a stretch to say that this forum has ever been 'sound' in that regard.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:00 pm
by TallDave
I can't recall Theory or Design threads devolving into politics. If you want to discuss technical stuff, those are the places to go. For newbies who want general tech info, the Polywell Wiki FAQ is blessedly politics-free and far better organized than our various threads. ... =Main_Page

News generally starts with news and goes wherever people take it from there. These are, after all, discussion forums, not bulletin boards. If I'm in a hurry or not interested in discussion I read the first post and move on. I assumed most people did the same.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:06 pm
by rjaypeters
Speaking of inappropriate category, shouldn't this poll have been over in Administration? :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:55 pm
by TDPerk
So as not to "drift" from the thread topic, I'll first suggest you look here to an already "corrupted" thread.


And then on topic present you with this:

Bottom line, if you don't want to hear a mainstream conservative speak, then hang out at at DU or Daily kos, where you'll like the echoes in the chamber.

Here I hope the left will get no rest or respite, just the eternal hostility their idiocy deserves. Flaunt your stupidity, and it will be thrown back in your face as it should be.

You don't get to change the rules.

You don't get to move the goalposts.

It should be noted the thread in question was first talked to death about what was relevant, and then was bombed by chrismb--who had nothing of worth to add, only sour grousing that Bussard didn't dry up and blow away when the money to try the Riggatron didn't turn up; and then a Canadian who was anti-American trolling who had no clue as to what really went on with the supposed "stomping" victim.

Now the lefties are all whining, "not in the face!", when they can't define the narrative anymore.

I suggest you suck it up and get used to it.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:35 pm
by Diogenes
Roger wrote:Chris - correct.
Some drift is bound to happen, but the mods @ nasaspaceflight would have a field day. I would approve of the mods being more proactive in this area, I'm sure they have the time. I think technical drift in a technical topic is on the surface, Ok.

On the other hand there are a few smarty pants here that need to show some self control or be controlled.

Who would have thought that Roger would be an advocate of Edmund Burke?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:12 pm
by chrismb
TDPerk wrote:It should be noted the thread in question was first talked to death about what was relevant, and then was bombed by chrismb--who had nothing of worth to add, only sour grousing that Bussard didn't dry up and blow away when the money to try the Riggatron didn't turn up
The discussion was about the funding of fusion schemes, and I was commenting on the critique Bussard has thrown at the funding of other schemes.

I'm sorry for you that your intellect and ability to keep up with a conversation appears to be a little bit challenged. It must be quite stressful for you to be left behind in a debate and for you to get confused why everyone else has moved on. Was there some incident in your childhood where you got left behind and forgotten about? Is this the issue? I am sure there is some sort of help that is probably available for you for this kind of thing. It's OK to ask for help, y'know. No need to feel embarrassed about it.