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This reminds me of This.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:10 pm
by Diogenes

'Gay lessons' in maths, geography and science


Maths – teaching statistics through census findings about the number of homosexuals in the population, and using gay characters in scenarios for maths problems;

Design and technology – encouraging pupils to make symbols linked to the gay rights movement;

Science – studying animal species where the male takes a leading role in raising young, such as emperor penguins and sea horses, and staging class discussions on different family structures, including same-sex parents;

Geography – examining the transformation of San Francisco's Castro district in the 1960s from a working-class Irish area to the world's first "gay neighbourhood", and considering why homosexuals move from the countryside to cities;

Languages – using gay characters in role play scenarios, and teaching "LGBT vocabulary". ... ience.html

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:14 pm
by Diogenes
Reminds me of THIS.


Indoctrination became rampant in all subjects. At every opportunity, teachers were expected to attack the life style of the Jews. Exam questions even contained blunt reference to the government's anti-Semitic stance:

"A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?"
"To keep a mentally ill person costs approximately 4 marks a day. There are 300,000 mentally ill people in care. How much do these people cost to keep in total? How many marriage loans of 1000 marks could be granted with this money?" ... cation.htm

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:38 pm
by MSimon
You mean teaching about the prevalence of "gays" in animal and human nature is indoctrination?

Only if the facts are false.

Your attitude strikes me as indoctrination by omission of facts you are uncomfortable with.

The right is no more honest than the left. The dishonesty is just about different things.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:04 pm
by Diogenes
MSimon wrote:You mean teaching about the prevalence of "gays" in animal and human nature is indoctrination?

Only if the facts are false.

Your attitude strikes me as indoctrination by omission of facts you are uncomfortable with.

The "facts" may be reasonable to put forth In SOCIOLOGY class perhaps, but not in MATH, SCIENCE, GEOGRAPHY, DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY, and LANGUAGE.

Introducing propaganda into subjects completely unassociated with the propaganda topic being pushed is completely wrong. But perhaps you can't see it unless it's pushing something you find objectionable. How about we try the shoe on the other foot?

Some sample math problems:
" If a million babies are murdered through abortion every year, how many years will it take to reduce the nations population by 10% ? "
"If the average aborted baby weighs 1/2lb, How many abortions must occur to equal one ton? "
"If boys make up 90% of the children molested by the 4% of the 109,694 priest, what percentage of the total of priests is Homosexual? "

You okay with teaching this stuff in school?

MSimon wrote: The right is no more honest than the left. The dishonesty is just about different things.

You are defending the use of State power to enforce a specific morality. (That Homosexuality should be accepted and celebrated.)

Funny, you didn't seem to like the practice of imposing morality before. What caused you to change your mind?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:12 pm
by Diogenes
Oh, by the way. Thought i'd bring this to your attention.

Warning, to everyone else! Do not follow link if you are easily upset by behavior that some people might consider perverted.

It's from England, of course.

You were warned!

MSimon, You might pass this on to Eric. He still has delusions about this sort of thing.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:15 pm
by Professor Science
... There are no emoticons for my face right now, but it's mostly bewilderment at your baffling attention to inanity.

I wonder if the "gay rights" iconography they're talking about is a triangle, which is a pretty fundamental shape regardless.

and the breast feeding thing, so? Children go off breast milk over time, it's why most of the world is lactose intolerant. It's a peculiar solution to what apparently seems to be the problem of left overs, but you're even more peculiarly fetishistic about it.

I need to stop coming to this forum, maybe I should just follow LPP, at least I wouldn't need to wade through garbage to get tidbits of news.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:25 pm
by Diogenes
Professor Science wrote:... There are no emoticons for my face right now, but it's mostly bewilderment at your baffling attention to inanity.

Above your head is it?

Professor Science wrote:.I wonder if the "gay rights" iconography they're talking about is a triangle, which is a pretty fundamental shape regardless.

As Mark Twain would put it, "a rather amazing amount of supposing and concluding, based on the most trivial investment in facts."

Professor Science wrote: and the breast feeding thing, so? Children go off breast milk over time, it's why most of the world is lactose intolerant. It's a peculiar solution to what apparently seems to be the problem of left overs, but you're even more peculiarly fetishistic about it.

Shhh.... don't tell everyone! They might want some too! :)

Professor Science wrote: I need to stop coming to this forum, maybe I should just follow LPP, at least I wouldn't need to wade through garbage to get tidbits of news.

buh bye.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:35 pm
by MSimon
Some sample math problems:

" If a million babies are murdered through abortion every year, how many years will it take to reduce the nations population by 10% ? "
Insufficient information.You neglected to give the population, the birth rate and the death rate.

You also neglected the value of children raised by parents who didn't want them.

But I have a counter question. Since in the main abortion is an economic "crime" what will a 10% drop in income to the lowest quintile do to the abortion rate? What will a 10% rise in income do to the rate? And the question Herrenstein and Murray raise:

Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life

What do you do with the bottom of the curve in a knowledge economy where physical strength has no value (at least not enough to support a human let alone a family). It is the low end of the bell curve (mostly) that is doing the self elimination. Think of the million extra a year not out on the street agitating. What is the value of that?

And then comes the political question: how much (if anything) should be spent to change the numbers? My number is zero. i.e. leave things as they are and work to improve the economy.

BTW compartmentalizing is a bad idea.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:40 pm
by Professor Science
Diogenitals, you're a twit. I'm refusing to refer you by your handle because I respect Diogenes too much, and you're throwing around Twain quotes to discourage curiosity by labeling it supposition and conclusion. You should stop abusing either great thinkers works.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:47 pm
by MSimon

Eric doesn't have many delusions about anything. Humans is nuts. Totally. And it seems we are going into an exhibitionists phase. It happens from time to time. But now instead of just the locals being subject to stuff it can be disseminated world wide.

It is going to be tough on our culture. It will destroy Islam. And for that reason alone if no other I would do nothing except make the internet a more valuable tool. And keep those kinky links coming. They are subversive.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:55 pm
by Diogenes
MSimon wrote:
Some sample math problems:

" If a million babies are murdered through abortion every year, how many years will it take to reduce the nations population by 10% ? "
Insufficient information.You neglected to give the population, the birth rate and the death rate.

You also neglected the value of children raised by parents who didn't want them.

But I have a counter question. Since in the main abortion is an economic "crime" what will a 10% drop in income to the lowest quintile do to the abortion rate? What will a 10% rise in income do to the rate? And the question Herrenstein and Murray raise:

Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life

What do you do with the bottom of the curve in a knowledge economy where physical strength has no value (at least not enough to support a human let alone a family). It is the low end of the bell curve (mostly) that is doing the self elimination. Think of the million extra a year not out on the street agitating. What is the value of that?"
Now where have I heard this kind of cost analysis before?

"To keep a mentally ill person costs approximately 4 marks a day. There are 300,000 mentally ill people in care. How much do these people cost to keep in total? How many marriage loans of 1000 marks could be granted with this money?"

Anyway, it misses the point. MATH class is not supposed to be POLITICAL SOCIAL AGENDA CLASS.

MSimon wrote: BTW compartmentalizing is a bad idea.

I agree. It's one of my favorite arguing points; The Creation of artificial boundaries where there are in fact no boundaries, such as between Fiscal and Social. You've seen me argue this point many times.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:57 pm
by Diogenes
Professor Science wrote:Diogenitals, you're a twit. I'm refusing to refer you by your handle because I respect Diogenes too much, and you're throwing around Twain quotes to discourage curiosity by labeling it supposition and conclusion. You should stop abusing either great thinkers works.

I masturbate in your general direction. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:08 pm
by Diogenes
MSimon wrote:D,

Eric doesn't have many delusions about anything. Humans is nuts. Totally. And it seems we are going into an exhibitionists phase. It happens from time to time. But now instead of just the locals being subject to stuff it can be disseminated world wide.

It is going to be tough on our culture. It will destroy Islam. And for that reason alone if no other I would do nothing except make the internet a more valuable tool. And keep those kinky links coming. They are subversive.

This is a point that might actually have merit. It is certainly something i've pondered from time to time. It is known that many Arab countries are voracious consumers of pRon, so the indoctrination is not all pervasive. I currently think Islam is not going to be dissuaded by that, at least for now.

Regarding Eric, he keeps insisting that beastiality is wrong because animals can't consent. This is, of course, at odds with reality, but I simply cannot get him to face this dichotomy. He is willfully blind to truth which defeats his beliefs. The previous link is an example of a rather tame version of what I've tried to get him to comprehend.

He will dismiss it too, i'm sure.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:06 pm
by MSimon
There are no boundaries between fiscal and social - true.

But the boundaries vary depending on culture.

In the US with such wide variations in culture the widest latitudes possible should be given. Otherwise enforcement costs go through the roof and you get a cohort used to disrespecting law in general not just the ones they break. Thus eventually a break down of law and order. We saw this in alcohol prohibition for which we had a 20 year hangover.

Never pass laws that won't be 99+% obeyed. It is bad for the rule of law.

If people are making bad choices it is best to let Darwin sort it out. That is the low cost way.

BTW self elimination is rather different than forced elimination. Even if the reasons are the same. i.e. populations excessive (in productivity terms) vs available resources. Compare: a one child policy chosen by individuals (by all means at their disposal) vs enforced by government (by all means at their disposal).

And the biggest cultural divide is thermodynamic.

A thermodynamic explanation of politics

The abortion divide is in the main a thermodynamic divide. It makes thermodynamic sense for more city folk than rural folk to have abortions (on a per capita basis). Which tells you that trying to stop the practice is not going to work well.

And sorting the thermodynamics to end abortion will not be easy. The city niche is quite different from the suburban/rural niche. And the city thing may be a population density thing (seen in mice) vs some kind of vast cultural plot. But cities get their value from concentration - despite being poor breeding grounds.

Positing all this as a moral question will get you zero results. Because it is not a moral question - it is a thermodynamic/population density question. You are not going to get anywhere if you think 2+2 = Paris. Even if you believe it with all your heart. The grocery store is not going to accept Paris as the answer to the price of the groceries in your shopping cart no matter how much you want to believe it. Nature is even more unforgiving than the grocery store.

The dogma useful for an agglomeration of small tribes may not be too handy in the case of cities, states, and nations taken as a whole. Of course if we were all still herding goats and tending fields such dogma could work even if it was old - that was the condition of mankind for the longest time. But in a nation where 2% or so farm and the rest do something else "whose ox is gored" may no longer be a very important issue.

Be fruitful and multiply is good advice if you need farm hands. It is not good advice for city dwellers. Apartment space is limited and expensive.


Of course my #1 mistake in life is treating all problems as if they were engineering problems.

1. What is the objective?
2. What are the important relationships between the factors?
3. How much are you willing to pay for the results you desire?

Of course you can skip #2 (because it is a moral problem) but #3 will get you in the end. Even in moral problems I prefer to match ends with means. But that is because I prefer results to looking busy. Another of my failings.

In that regard you might like my comment to this post: ... ve_wa.html

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:06 pm
by kcdodd
I think you have managed to exceed Godwin's law. If Diogenes even starts a thread, or enters a thread at all, it is guaranteed that he will compare everything and everyone he doesn't like to a Nazi. I think he is just deliberately trying to make the most retarded and inflammatory post possible.