Who's spinning now and what are the consequences?

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Who's spinning now and what are the consequences?

Post by Jccarlton »

This webpage was just posted to my face book page:

This website was posted to my facebook page.

I think this is just the usual propaganda from the left, but I don't really know enough for certain. You know extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, something which is totally absent here. Or you need credibility based on experience in the field your talking about. Of course you could just make stuff up:
http://alfin2100.blogspot.com/2011/02/b ... -like.html

Especially if you have a rich sugar daddy using you to stir up the pot for his own purposes:
I have to follow the money trail and say that this is more of the old same stuff that creates hysteria which certain people turn to their advantage and to hell with the consequences.

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Re: Who's spinning now and what are the consequences?

Post by UncleMatt »

Jccarlton wrote:I have to follow the money trail and say that this is more of the old same stuff that creates hysteria which certain people turn to their advantage and to hell with the consequences.
Sounds like you are discussing how republicans behaved when they talked about "death panels" for granny...

Apply your standards to all, not just those who you have an agenda against.

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Post by TDPerk »

"how republicans behaved when they talked about "death panels" for granny... "

You mean telling the truth that the main way more direct government control of medicine will save money will be to deny care to people at the tail end of their lives. Like they are already doing.
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