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mystery explosion at Iran's Fordow facility

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:32 pm
by Skipjack ... anium.html
If so, good!
Anyone heard anything else about this?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:30 pm
by hanelyp
“The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. ...
Sounds like a big blast. Any estimates on tonnage?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:07 pm
by williatw
hanelyp wrote:
“The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. ...
Sounds like a big blast. Any estimates on tonnage?
I would wager it was probably caused by US (or Israeli) sabatage.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:57 pm
by Skipjack
Someone made a funny comment there: If it was the CIA they will make a Hollywood movie about it, if it was the Mossad, nobody will hear anything". I find it hillariously accurate ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:41 pm
by paperburn1
hanelyp wrote:
“The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. ...
Sounds like a big blast. Any estimates on tonnage?
1000 pounds he

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:02 pm
by choff
Saw a report they sent a monkey into space, nothing about an underground blast.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:17 pm
by Diogenes
williatw wrote:
hanelyp wrote:
“The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. ...
Sounds like a big blast. Any estimates on tonnage?
I would wager it was probably caused by US (or Israeli) sabatage.

I certainly hope so. It indicates that in spite of having a complete bumbling fool in the nations highest office, lower level people are still able to do sensible things.

Of course, if it turns out that the Iranians did something stupid, i'll take it.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:22 pm
by williatw
Diogenes wrote:
williatw wrote:
hanelyp wrote: Sounds like a big blast. Any estimates on tonnage?
I would wager it was probably caused by US (or Israeli) sabatage.

I certainly hope so. It indicates that in spite of having a complete bumbling fool in the nations highest office, lower level people are still able to do sensible things.
Of course, if it turns out that the Iranians did something stupid, i'll take it.
Lower level personel? Come now one of the few things Obama has managed to get right is offing Terrorists (Osama Bin Laden etc.) by drone or otherwise and his sabotage program against Iran, probably in concert with Israel. War on the cheap, about the only/best one we can really afford at the moment. Easily two if not three orders of magnitude cheaper than your Romney's war against Iran would have likely been.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:00 am
by Diogenes
williatw wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
I certainly hope so. It indicates that in spite of having a complete bumbling fool in the nations highest office, lower level people are still able to do sensible things.
Of course, if it turns out that the Iranians did something stupid, i'll take it.
Lower level personel? Come now one of the few things Obama has managed to get right is offing Terrorists (Osama Bin Laden etc.) by drone or otherwise and his sabotage program against Iran, probably in concert with Israel. War on the cheap, about the only/best one we can really afford at the moment. Easily two if not three orders of magnitude cheaper than your Romney's war against Iran would have likely been.

Someone once asked me who a good attorney would be to represent them in a matter. I named one. They responded by saying "So and so will represent me for $3,500.00... The one you named wants $6,000.00." To which I replied, "The difference is, you can lose for $3,500.00 or Win for $6,000.00."

They went with the cheaper attorney and lost. ( and I pointed out at the time a number of very serious mistakes their attorney was making, and repeatedly urged them to fire him.)

If you think Iran is going to be cowed by a pin-prick here and there, you known nothing of Persian History. (Or Fanaticism) There are reasons why Persia has been the seat of an empire in the past.

Blowing up Iranian facilities will only serve as a temporary setback. The only plausible benefit from it will be to buy enough time so that people able to do something about it might wake the F*** up.

Shia Islam reveres the 12 Imam. Ahmadinnerjacket believes that by bringing about world wide destruction, he will trigger the return of the 12 Imam, and an eternal Islamic paradise.

Dealing with the Soviets was possible because the Soviets, while evil, were not F****** Religious Fanatics. To Ahmadinnerjacket, and the Clerics running that nation, mass death and destruction is the goal.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:24 am
by kcdodd
I just consider the whole thing a waste of bright people.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:27 am
by Diogenes
kcdodd wrote:I just consider the whole thing a waste of bright people.

I am reminded of what the Great Physicist I.I.Rabbi said when asked to look at an idea.

"How many Nazis will it kill?"

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:14 am
by choff
If it is sabotage, it's got to be something right out of James Bond. Imagine a saboteur sneaking a large bomb into a high security underground complex, putting it where maximum damage can be achieved, then getting out undetected, even an inside job would be tough. Unless there was plenty of explosive material and he only had to place a detonation device, makes the idea of an accident more plausible.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:40 am
by williatw
choff wrote:If it is sabotage, it's got to be something right out of James Bond. Imagine a saboteur sneaking a large bomb into a high security underground complex, putting it where maximum damage can be achieved, then getting out undetected, even an inside job would be tough. Unless there was plenty of explosive material and he only had to place a detonation device, makes the idea of an accident more plausible.
That or some kind of flammable fuel tank...athough I thought there was something in the story about a Israeli aircraft supposedly spotted in the area shortly before the blast. Maybe we gave them one of our bunker-buster bombs.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:41 am
by Skipjack
choff wrote:If it is sabotage, it's got to be something right out of James Bond. Imagine a saboteur sneaking a large bomb into a high security underground complex, putting it where maximum damage can be achieved, then getting out undetected, even an inside job would be tough. Unless there was plenty of explosive material and he only had to place a detonation device, makes the idea of an accident more plausible.
Maybe they were building the trigger for a nuclear bomb and it exploded on them?
Not a nuclear explosion of course, I mean just the trigger itself. Depending on the device that can be quite a big (conventional) explosive too.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:50 am
by kunkmiester
The HE portion of a nuke is a shell of explosive lenses surrounding the pit, or plutonium and initiator at the center.

The place that would have lots of HE would be the work on the explosive lenses, but that's also one of the technically easiest parts.