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Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:57 pm
by Diogenes
Obama is a childish little fool who was only elected because the thought of having a "black" President gave the media people orgasms.

In the real world, he is a weak and pathetic little child. ... mas-clock/


Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:52 am
by choff
Think Putins tough, Canada's PM always has to act like he's got a soft side so people don't think he's all hard case.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:06 pm
by williatw
My understanding is that (according to NPR if you trust them) there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia in the 1st place. So Putin is under no legal obligation to return Snowden to the US. After all if a Russian spy during the Cold War era (or now) came to the US full of all manner of secret information about the workings of the KGB/Russian government willing to trade said info for asylum/citizenship/etc. we would have jumped at the chance. We wouldn't have sent him back to Russia to be charged with treason and executed. I recall one case in the seventies where a Russian mig pilot flew himself to I think South Korea and defected, we happily if I recall granted him asylum, (and were very happy to accept the plane, which we eagerly studied).

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:59 pm
by Diogenes
williatw wrote:My understanding is that (according to NPR if you trust them) there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia in the 1st place. So Putin is under no legal obligation to return Snowden to the US.

Pish posh. Putin does what he wants. If the law is against him, so much worse for the law.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:11 pm
by KitemanSA
Diogenes wrote:Pish posh. Putin does what he wants. If the law is against him, so much worse for the law.
This is not necessarily a good thing. It actually describes Obama pretty well.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:28 pm
by Diogenes
KitemanSA wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Pish posh. Putin does what he wants. If the law is against him, so much worse for the law.
This is not necessarily a good thing. It actually describes Obama pretty well.

It has become the new normal, at least for Democrats. The Media would be foaming at the mouth violent if a Republican had done what Obama has done.

If a Republican had done these things, you would not be able to find a channel that wouldn't be denouncing him as a tyrant.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:02 pm
by williatw
Diogenes wrote:
williatw wrote:My understanding is that (according to NPR if you trust them) there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia in the 1st place. So Putin is under no legal obligation to return Snowden to the US.
Pish posh. Putin does what he wants. If the law is against him, so much worse for the law.
I agree that Putin is pretty much a dictator. But in this particular situation it would seem the law is actually on his extradition treaty between us as far as I know means Russian can handle the Snowden issue as they see fit. It is the Obama administration which today said something to the effect of "no wheeling and dealing" with Russia, which doesn't seem to get it. They (Obama) are the ones acting as if other countries are just supposed to bow to their will, and just do what they want because they want it, as if what he wants is "right" just because he wants it. I think Putin is both amused and contemptuous at the same time. Of course this is a president who thinks he should be able to rule by executive order, congress or courts be damned, he just knows what is best for all. Who knows? maybe he will issue an executive order demanding Putin turn Snowden over.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:23 pm
by paperburn1
south america does not like him ... rd-snowden
when did we become the evil empire.
President Rafael Correa's government said on Thursday it was renouncing the Andean Trade Preference Act to thwart US "blackmail" of Ecuador in the former NSA contractor's asylum request.

Officials, speaking at an early morning press conference, also offered a $23m donation for human rights training in the US, a brash riposte to recent US criticism of Ecuador's own human rights record.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:10 pm
by paperburn1
now Hoss Cartwright is got from trusted adviser to traitor in the stroke of a pen, i guess you should keep your opinion to yourself if the president will not like it. that makes eight.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:16 pm
by Diogenes
paperburn1 wrote:south america does not like him ... rd-snowden
when did we become the evil empire.
President Rafael Correa's government said on Thursday it was renouncing the Andean Trade Preference Act to thwart US "blackmail" of Ecuador in the former NSA contractor's asylum request.

Officials, speaking at an early morning press conference, also offered a $23m donation for human rights training in the US, a brash riposte to recent US criticism of Ecuador's own human rights record.

You know you are an international p*ssy when Ecuador tells you to go to H3ll.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:28 am
by MSimon
But D if you judge Obama by his actions he is a supporter of prohibition despite the wishes of his party. I'm surprised you aren't at least applauding him for that.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:47 pm
by Stubby
i don't think anyone respects Putin either, they fear him.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:19 pm
by hanelyp
Fear and respect are not mutually exclusive. If watching your behavior around someone is needed to avoid trouble, that someone can get a lot of respect. They may still be greatly disliked.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:57 pm
by Diogenes
Stubby wrote:i don't think anyone respects Putin either, they fear him.

I told myself I would try to be diplomatic, even to those on this board whom I regard as complete fools. And then you go and post that comment.

I simply do not know how to respond politely to someone of your intellectual caliber.

Re: Nobody respects Obama.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:02 pm
by Diogenes
hanelyp wrote:Fear and respect are not mutually exclusive. If watching your behavior around someone is needed to avoid trouble, that someone can get a lot of respect. They may still be greatly disliked.

In terms of Diplomacy, Fear and Respect are virtually synonyms. It is the nature of Humans to grant deference to people who can hurt them.

If you have people's fear, you will always get their respect.