Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

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Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by GIThruster »

"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by ladajo »

Probably not impeachable though. But the pressure is rising.
November is going to be very interesting.

Obama is sure painting a rosy legacy portrait.
I wonder he he is going to play as an ex-president? I think he will be a fizzle, not even an idiot like Carter. Probably, more or less he will fall off the planet to not reall ybe heard from again. He has no drive other than personal glory. "Look how cool I am <big ass grin>", said Obama at a recent media engagement.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by GIThruster »

I bet he plays just like Clinton. His failures won't matter at all to the Home Team and the rest of us will just look on in wonder that someone with so much failure racked up could have ever made it to that office.

Benghazi will be just like Somalia--people will pretend it never happened, no matter how FUBAR it was and who's fingerprints are on it. The lies to congress and the cover up will be treated the same as Clinton's and the Home Team will continue on pretending they have cause to be proud of abject failure.

The only real difference will be that the Home Team will continue to pretend everyone who was against OBama's failed policies is a racist. That's going to continue to step up the conflict between the left and the right and make most unavailable to other viewpoints. Seems it won't be long before the independents will be the only sensible people left.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by ladajo »

They have a lot of explaining to do now.
What came out overnight is the different redacted versions of the emails that were provided to Judicial Watch v. Congress. Also the retro-active classifications of the emails, one of which happened the day before they turned it over last month.
That is just crazy. It also begs the question about if they were writing (now suddenly classified, and thus redactable) emails on unclass systems.
This thing appears to be spiralling...
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by mvanwink5 »

GIThruster wrote:I bet he plays just like Clinton. His failures won't matter at all to the Home Team and the rest of us will just look on in wonder that someone with so much failure racked up could have ever made it to that office.

Benghazi will be just like Somalia--people will pretend it never happened, no matter how FUBAR it was and who's fingerprints are on it. The lies to congress and the cover up will be treated the same as Clinton's and the Home Team will continue on pretending they have cause to be proud of abject failure.

The only real difference will be that the Home Team will continue to pretend everyone who was against OBama's failed policies is a racist. That's going to continue to step up the conflict between the left and the right and make most unavailable to other viewpoints. Seems it won't be long before the independents will be the only sensible people left.
Robot Media get all their news from two places and just repackage it. Easy to control the dialogue.

The important thing is the learning curve on how to use the laws to control banks and corps, including Murdock (remember the phone surveillance scandal and threatening to jail his clan?) Put the collar on him.

Get ready for Bush 3.0 nothing changes but the turtle on the post.
Counting the days to commercial fusion. It is not that long now.

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by Diogenes »

GIThruster wrote:Seems it won't be long before the independents will be the only sensible people left.

Sure. The ones who sat by while the holocaust was happening, those were the sensible ones.

"Independent" nowadays just means someone who doesn't know what the F*** is going on.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by Diogenes »

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by hanelyp »

Diogenes wrote:"Independent" nowadays just means someone who doesn't know what the F*** is going on.
Or prefers not to see what's going on.
The daylight is uncomfortably bright for eyes so long in the dark.

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by JoeP »

None of this matters, makes no difference, just like Hillary said.

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by GIThruster »

Diogenes wrote:"Independent" nowadays just means someone who doesn't know what the F*** is going on.
That's just silly. How could you possibly have more evidence of the fact Republicans have had enough of fiscal irresponsibility than the success of the Tea Party? These were and are Independents, who are ashamed their party has been absconded with by those who's only concern is to keep taxes down. Remember what Bush 2 did with free prescriptions. The Republicans are not paying attention to what the people want, and the sensible fiscally responsible Republicans would rather joins hands with fiscally responsible people of any party than continue to see the country laid waste by irresponsibility.

Expect more Tea Party success in the future, as The People are fed up with Washington. This is often considered a conservative stance, but it is primarily an Independent stance.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by ladajo »

I have to agree from my personal perspective that the Tea Party identifies more with independants.
That is where I fall for one.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by JoeP »

Obama is practically immune from impeachment. He could do almost anything. Worrying about the Tea Party prospects is silly. They have no voice and no power and, for at least the next three years, be worthless.


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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by GIThruster »

No voice and no power? Trey Gowdy is running the special committee. Where do you get your news?

Jim DeMint, Ted Cruz, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul have no power? They just got what the establishment Republicans would never have pressed for. And the writing is on the wall. If the rest of the Republicans don't start acting responsibly, they'll be replaced too. And they know it. Boehner knows it.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by Diogenes »

GIThruster wrote:I bet he plays just like Clinton. His failures won't matter at all to the Home Team and the rest of us will just look on in wonder that someone with so much failure racked up could have ever made it to that office.

If the Media industry were not a pack of Lying Liberal Urban Democrats, then the public would be aware just what a piece of Sh*t he is. Same thing with Clinton. Clinton and Obama both had total "air" superiority over any attempt to inform the public just what sort of gonorrhea infection they are.

This is why i'm always harping on how critical it is to take away the power of the media to distort , lie and coverup the evil doings of Democrats. You don't have to worry about them covering the evil doings of Republicans. They are so intent on doing that, that if they can't find any, they make them up!

GIThruster wrote: Benghazi will be just like Somalia--people will pretend it never happened, no matter how FUBAR it was and who's fingerprints are on it. The lies to congress and the cover up will be treated the same as Clinton's and the Home Team will continue on pretending they have cause to be proud of abject failure.

The only real difference will be that the Home Team will continue to pretend everyone who was against OBama's failed policies is a racist. That's going to continue to step up the conflict between the left and the right and make most unavailable to other viewpoints. Seems it won't be long before the independents will be the only sensible people left.

I think I and others are getting to the point where a sh*t we do not give if someone thinks we're racists. We can thank Obama for that as well. He's made everything "Racist", which had become just a code word he and his supporters use to cover up the fact that he is a complete imbecile and that everything he does is an unmitigated failure.

Yes, Obama has done wonders for racism in America. The Racists have been saying all along that a Black man wasn't capable of leading a first world nation, and D*mned if Obama didn't come along and do everything he could to make them look right. He is an utter embarrassment. Jimmy Carter was an improvement over this guy, and he was the stupidest President we ever had prior to Obama.

So what do we do? Well, the only way I know to get the bad taste of Obama out of our mouths is to elect a competent black President. Someone who can redeem the utterly horrible impression that Obama has left on the rest of the world. Someone with accomplishments, and someone who knows what the h3ll they are doing. I have three suggestions.

1. Allen West.


This guy is the best. Great Military leader, and willing to put his men's best interest ahead of his own. My first choice.

2. Dr. Ben Carson.


Brilliant retired neurosurgeon and someone who got where he did through hard work and sacrifice.

3. Herman Cain.


Highly successful businessman with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and the first person to actual propose fixing the tax/budget problem.

Any one of these men could spank Obama in a debate and by contrasting their successful lives against his accomplishment free life they could demonstrate him to be the naked Emperor that he is.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Re: Benghazi: the gift that keeps on giving

Post by JoeP »

Sorry, but keep dreaming. While I admire what these guys are trying to do, the entire federal infrastructure, unelected people, are massed against anything they could possibly hope to accomplish. So No, no, no. You watch and see.
GIThruster wrote:No voice and no power? Trey Gowdy is running the special committee. Where do you get your news?

Jim DeMint, Ted Cruz, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul have no power? They just got what the establishment Republicans would never have pressed for. And the writing is on the wall. If the rest of the Republicans don't start acting responsibly, they'll be replaced too. And they know it. Boehner knows it.

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