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Conning Their Way To Defeat

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:47 am
by MSimon ... nd-it-will

Democrats now have a 51 percent chance of holding the Senate,” reports The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, who notes that just a few months ago, the odds were better than 80 percent that the Republicans would pick up six seats to gain a majority in both houses of Congress.

More here.

Memo to Republicans: If you are perceived as very similar to the Democrats, just more awful when it comes to gender and race, you're not going to flourish. Your odds of pulling in independents and libertarians who are tired of massive government intrusion on all aspects of our lives would skyrocket if you laid out a governing strategy that accords with what you say you're all about.
Ah. The troubles of the "smaller government except for..." party.

Did I mention that Prohibition is less popular every day?

Over at ... f-victory/ a commenter says:
Randy September 22nd, 2014 :

Far too many Republicans resemble Captain Ahab of Moby Dick fame. Their dogged pursuit of their socially conservative agenda blinds them from political reality.

IMO, there are opportunities for the Right to capitalize upon, but to do so means they must put the pet issues of the social conservatives on the back burner and focus on issues that have wide-spread appeal. But the politically inept so-cons aren’t willing to do so.

The sad truth of the matter is that the GOP’s efforts to woo evangelical voters was too successful. Now these religious zealots have the GOP by the short hairs and the Party can’t pivot away from so-conism without alienating these voters. And these so-con voters won’t wake up to the fact that they are a political minority and that their issues have no wide-spread appeal. The GOP is the Stuck on Stupid Party.
By 2016 it will be worse. Death is taking Socons at the rate of 1 million a year. They aren't being replaced. Well they are actually. By libertarians and leftists. Which are practically the same thing according to socon social dogma.

It seems we have a polity - given the choice between the government running the economy and government running people's private lives (not the exact division - but generally true) they prefer government running the economy. Given my libertarian tendencies - government out of everything - I think I will make the same choice come November.