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Anti-thrombic Therapies

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:31 am
by MSimon
Thrombosis is a worldwide leading cause of death and morbidity, caused by the formation of intravascular blood clots. It is associated with a variety of conditions, including hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus type 2, in which hyperresponsiveness of platelets is a common feature [1], [2]. Currently, thrombosis is treated by administration of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase (i.e. aspirin), or alternatively, by platelet receptor antagonists, such as clopidogrel. However, these treatment modalities are associated with clinical side effects (e.g. aspirin-related gastrointestinal bleeding) and cardiovascular patients show variable responsiveness to these therapies. With the worldwide increasing incidence of cardiovascular disease, there is a correspondingly growing need for alternative therapeutic strategies to safely target pathological platelet activation.
From the conclusion:
Endocannabinoid receptor agonists reduce platelet activation and aggregate formation both in vitro and ex vivo after Cannabis sativa consumption. Further elucidation of this novel regulatory mechanism for platelet function may prove beneficial in the search for new antithrombotic therapies. ... ne.0108282