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We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:35 am
by MSimon ... ality.html
Knock, knock, knock on your front door (should we decide to give you the courtesy of a knock), then we break down the door and come in like a sudden flood, using lethal force on anyone who resists, often killing the family pet should he dare to bark at us. Using physical force and the threat of violence we quickly subdue the occupants of the house and take them off to jail.

Ordinary citizens are not permitted by law or the culture to resort to violence in response to a non violent act, but you have no problem with us doing so. We have slowly increased this practice over the decades, effectively conditioning you to reject the idea that our thuggish behavior is thuggish. We have your respect and gratitude as we drag a person suspected of placing a substance in his body that we do not approve of off to jail.

You recently elected a man who helped create a law that now forces every American resident to become a customer of the Medical Insurance industry, or carry a government health insurance plan. This law is such that you must choose between being a customer of one of the governments chosen business, or paying heavy fines and potentially going to prison. Judging by the lack of resistance from you, you have no problem with us fining and imprisoning you for not purchasing services as we direct.
No Party stands against this because to do so risks their favorite employment of force to make people live according to their views.

We couldn't have become a police state without the complicity of both Parties.

"We can force you" is the theme.

And to think that Liberty was once our highest value. Long gone.

BTW the opening scene <Knock, knock, knock on your front door (should we decide to give you the courtesy of a knock)> was once the theme of the anti-Nazi movies during and post WW2. I grew up on that. And now we have a police state and one half of the country or the other cheers.

And how does it continue? "Their idea of a police state is bad. My idea of a police state is good." No one questions the police state. Just the particular implementation. Clever boys.

I found the link from this comment: ... nt_4949651

Re: We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:17 pm
by windmill

Re: We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:32 pm
by Diogenes

Excellent commentary and prescient. One gets the impression that writers from the 19th century were just more intelligent than their modern counterparts.

Re: We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:41 pm
by windmill
This passage was quoted in "Elliott Wave Principle" by Robert Prechter. Briefly, his thesis is that human social mood is a patterned fractal, and that there are identifiable wave patterns at all degrees of trend, from minutes to centuries, most easily observable in the stock market price record. Therefore, it should in theory be possible to analyze and even predict social mood and its effects on history from the wave pattern.
His long-standing forecast, written in the late 1970s, was for the greatest bull market in history, to be followed by the greatest bear market in history. We are now standing on the precipice of the second part, and face a "descent into the maelstrom" greater than the 1930s experience.

Re: We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:12 am
by williatw
windmill wrote:This passage was quoted in "Elliott Wave Principle" by Robert Prechter. Briefly, his thesis is that human social mood is a patterned fractal, and that there are identifiable wave patterns at all degrees of trend, from minutes to centuries, most easily observable in the stock market price record. Therefore, it should in theory be possible to analyze and even predict social mood and its effects on history from the wave pattern.
His long-standing forecast, written in the late 1970s, was for the greatest bull market in history, to be followed by the greatest bear market in history. We are now standing on the precipice of the second part, and face a "descent into the maelstrom" greater than the 1930s experience.

The point of the social safety net is to blunt the worst extremes of suffering not to eliminate disparities of wealth. Just give them (the poor) enough largess (welfare, food stamps, housing, Medicaid) to prevent wholesale rioting/revolts in the streets but not enough to collapse the system. To say nothing of the fact that it is the tax paying middle class that actually collects the most government largess (SS, Medicare). Combine that with the genius of the rich in hiding their money from the tax man; and bribery/corruption when that fails and you can keep the game going for quite some time, maybe indefinitely. Would add heavy suppression of voter turnout especially among poor minorities. Also add to that technological innovation like three-D printers & Polywell fusion creating more wealth (or in the case of fracking maintain status quo). Your "descent into the maelstrom" can hopefully be put off for some time or at least blunted when it does happen.

Re: We Are Exemt From Your Morality

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:46 am
by JohnFul
This passage was quoted in "Elliott Wave Principle" by Robert Prechter
Oh my, as a dual major in both economics and psychology I am well aware of the work of Ralph Nelson Elliott, and those that came after... Hamilton Bolton and Robert Prechter to name a couple. I'm shocked that anyone would reference such an obscure combination of economic theory and crowd psychology.
