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Prohibitionist Facing Recall Resigns

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:41 pm
by MSimon ... y/30543250

In Missouri
Chadwick voted against decriminalizing the cultivation of two marijuana plants in Columbia, and First Ward constituents said their goal is to replace her with a council member who is a better representative of the ward. Chadwick also sponsored the controversial "Tobacco 21" ordinances, which raised the legal age to buy tobacco and vapor smoking products in the city from 18 to 21.

Some behind the recall effort said Chadwick supported the marijuana decriminalization ordinance when campaigning, then changed her vote on the issue in late October, swinging the 4-3 vote. Chadwick explained she didn't understand the legal issue behind changing that law when campaigning. Police Chief Ken Burton told the council in October that different law enforcement agencies in Columbia would handle the issue. Chadwick wanted to avoid confusion in her ward, which includes the University of Missouri campus.
Anti-Prohibition now has 52% to 55% support nationwide. And evidently the anti-Prohibitionists are feeling their oats. Of course the fact that Prohibition is a war on youth and that the district in question included a college campus was no doubt a factor.

Likely "blood in the water" will attract more of these type actions.