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US a Proxy for Saudi's, Who Else, Banksters?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:23 pm
by mvanwink5
Buy a news organization like Fox, buy politicians (Neocons, Clintons, money to DNC, Repub Pacs) and when you need a US naval fleet to do a political favor, need boots on the ground, arms to a favorite Islamic terror group, a drone strike, well, a phone call is all that is needed. It is actually cheap.

'US Military for Rent' is the 'hint - hint, wink - wink' sign posted on the White House Lawn. And both Bushes and Clintons have already been bought and paid for, with Fox as their shill operative.

Re: US a Proxy for Saudi's, Who Else, Banksters?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:04 pm
by MSimon
If it will stop just one rock of crack from reaching the US it is worth it. Especially to the drug cartels. Without help from the US military and US law enforcement their products would be worth as much as a pile of vegetables.

And the drug cartels get an even better deal than the Saudis. Our Republican friends support them for free.

With support for Prohibition declining our Republican friends have a plan to continue their support for the cartels. High taxes on vegetables.

Re: US a Proxy for Saudi's, Who Else, Banksters?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:15 pm
by mvanwink5
High taxes on vegetables
Ca drought makes that dubious, but the intricacies of favoritism and corruption is unfathomable. Baksheesh has become standard practice. Stinks to high heaven.