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It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:51 pm
by Jccarlton
A bunch of my friends were laid off from my former company yesterday. As this sort of thing is going around everywhere I want to share my ongoing aggregation of job related stuff. ... search-14/
Interview and resume tips, the good news and bad news and just a bunch of job related stuff that might save a job seeker the time to find themselves. Good luck, it's nasty out here.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:09 pm
by Diogenes
This is what happens when you let an ignorant, lazy, stupid, mouthy "community organizer" run your country.

Putin said the other day that "He is a child."


Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:50 pm
by Jccarlton
It's not just Obama, or just the Democrats. It's the whole government/corporate system that's become dysfunctional. Somehow, in arranging things for their own comfort far too many people have forgotten that there's a reason for doing what they do, that where they work isn't just a bureaucracy functioning with no real purpose.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:15 pm
by Diogenes
I will admit that it isn't just the Democrats, but they are the bulk of it. 80% of government Employees are Democrats. Most of the Crony companies are run by Democrats. All the Unions are run by Democrats.

The major cities are mostly run by Democrats, and they are cesspools of violence, debauchery and idiocy.

But yes, there are plenty of Republicans who are collaborators in the status quo system where the government burdens the productive members of society, and where policies which are beneficial to corporations with sufficient pull become enacted to the benefit of the corporations, but to the detriment of ordinary citizens.

But Obama is patient Zero for the disease currently infecting us.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:16 pm
by MSimon
Look out for the failure of NINJA auto loans. We should start seeing the effect in the next few months. There will be a cascading failure after that. The Republicans in Congress tried to tighten up with a law that Obama vetoed saying to the effect,"The law would discriminate against minority auto buyers."

2016 = 2008.

And of course there is the student loan problem on top of all that. Definitely NINJA.

And then China - which has way more productive capacity than they can employ. And they dare not stop adding to it because that is what is propping up their economy.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:20 pm
by MSimon
Diogenes wrote:But Obama is patient Zero for the disease currently infecting us.
Actually Woodrow Wilson.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:39 pm
by ladajo
Why not just blame the Founding Fathers? Why stop at Woodrow Wilson?
And while we are at it, Santa Claus too.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:08 pm
by Diogenes
Actually Woodrow Wilson.

Well if you are going to go back in History, Abraham Lincoln started it. Teddy Roosevelt Expanded it. Woodrow Wilson gave it vitamins, and Franklin Roosevelt gave it Steroids.

Lyndon Baines Johnson pumped it full of Meth. Jimmy Carter fed it after midnight, Bill Clinton loaded it up with Junk Food, George W Bush gave it an adrenaline drip, and King Barky the Jerkwad injected a PCP/Heroine/LSD Cocktail into it's veins.

These are the men primarily responsible for Super Charging the Federal Government to be far larger and more intrusive than it was ever intended, or should be.

Oh, by the way. Last night was Transgender movie night in the White House. Just thought you'd like to know that the Metro-sexual Kenyan is keeping it real with people who aren't.


Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:25 pm
by TDPerk
"Why not just blame the Founding Fathers? Why stop at Woodrow Wilson?"

Why shouldn't it stop at Woodrow Wilson? He was if anything more drastically authoritarian and progressive than FDR or Obama both, and he was the first such blight to darken the Oval Office.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:28 pm
by TDPerk
"Abraham Lincoln started it"

I can always count on you being a consummate moron. There are not enough lumens from all the light since the primordial foam cooled off enough to first emit it for you to know truth.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:54 pm
by ladajo
TDPerk wrote:"Why not just blame the Founding Fathers? Why stop at Woodrow Wilson?"

Why shouldn't it stop at Woodrow Wilson? He was if anything more drastically authoritarian and progressive than FDR or Obama both, and he was the first such blight to darken the Oval Office.
Now that is funny. Apparently you did not read any of the documentation accounting the viewpoints, debates, and contentious positions of the various actors who founded our nation (which took two tries, given the degree to which they didn't agree).

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:32 pm
by TDPerk
"Apparently you did not read any of the documentation accounting the viewpoints, debates, and contentious positions of the various actors who founded our nation (which took two tries, given the degree to which they didn't agree)."

Apparently you think anything in it justifies "blaming the Founders", which shows you to be fatuous.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:20 am
by Diogenes
TDPerk wrote:"Abraham Lincoln started it"

I can always count on you being a consummate moron. There are not enough lumens from all the light since the primordial foam cooled off enough to first emit it for you to know truth.

So your rebuttal is an ad hominem? Wow. Great comeback. You have left me wounded and humiliated. Oh. how. will. I. ever. look. at. myself. in. the. mirror?

No, it's the honest truth. Abraham Lincoln started FedZilla. Lincoln laid the ground work where others later followed.

Perhaps you simply don't know American History as well as do I?

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:24 pm
by ladajo
TDPerk wrote:"Apparently you did not read any of the documentation accounting the viewpoints, debates, and contentious positions of the various actors who founded our nation (which took two tries, given the degree to which they didn't agree)."

Apparently you think anything in it justifies "blaming the Founders", which shows you to be fatuous.
Apparently you are oblivious to the extreme positions that some of the actors took in regard to the topic at hand. Sigh.

Read some history. Pay attention. You might learn something.

Re: It looks Like Layoff Season Is Starting

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:10 pm
by KitemanSA
Who cares who STARTED it? It was the Supreme Court in the 1880s(?) that ended it with the decision that a lie by a circuit court judge to a jury, telling them they did NOT have the right to jury nullification, did not constitute grounds for a mistrial. That one decision was the end of the US democracy. That one decision eliminated the "justice system" and instituted the "legal system". We have been a developing beauracracy since that time. The beauracray has been developing like a cancer ever since.