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Tax Cuts For The Rich? So What

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:07 pm
by Jccarlton
The next time somebody rails about "tax cuts for the rich" think of them as vampires creating a zombie economy. ... h-so-what/

Re: Tax Cuts For The Rich? So What

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:03 pm
by hanelyp
These people are so afraid of imaginary things that might happen such as the formation of an American landed aristocracy that they cannot see the damage that things like a high death tax and income do. What they don’t understand is that the damage is measured in wealth destroyed or not created in the first place.
I've seen the same thing in tax policy debate. Otherwise intelligent people so paranoid that the uber rich might have a tax loophole that they support policies like a tax on GROSS income, which would crush the economy. They don't get how profit is usually a modest margin on a much larger flow. And they oppose crediting investments as a deduction against taxed income, even if the income from reaping the investment is taxed.

Re: Tax Cuts For The Rich? So What

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:09 pm
by choff
It's not so much taxes as the banking/monetary system that screws people, that and the attendant compound interest payments on government deficit and debt,