Yet another Polywell website

Discuss ways to make polywell research more widely known or better understood. Includes education and outreach.

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Post by drmike »

TallDave wrote: Except of course for the first part (p + 11B), which gets the whole thing going.
Which is like saying (n + Pu239) is fusion because it gets the whole thing going. I told you it was silly! (See IPNS at Argonne for (p + Pu239))

To understand what jmc is talking about visit Wikipedia: Binding energy or do a general web search on "nuclear binding energy".

But the more I stare at the graph of binding energies, the less I understand why C12 decays.

Edit: fix quotes

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Post by blaisepascal »

drmike wrote:
TallDave wrote: To understand what jmc is talking about visit Wikipedia: Binding energy or do a general web search on "nuclear binding energy".

But the more I stare at the graph of binding energies, the less I understand why C12 decays.
The binding energy is simply the difference between the mass of the nucleus and the mass of the individual nucleons separately. p has a mass of 1.007825u, B11 has a mass of 11.0093054(4)u, so the combined mass in the p + B<sup>11</sup> reaction is 12.017119(4)u, which is greater than the mass of stable C12 by 0.017u -- about 16MeV. The C12 has to do something with that excess energy, and it apparently splits it.

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Post by Roger »

classicpenny wrote:This sure is weird. I agree that is definitely looks like fission,
DO I have this right?
The PB11 collision makes a He and a carbon12, the C12 splits into Beryllium, which then splits into 2 He's. SO yeah you start with fusion, but the results are unstable and things decay quickly, and thats when the fission happens. The act of PB-11 fusion is aneutronic. Now that fission is another thing.
Overall there should be way more energy/Alphas seen, than energy in the decay process.
I like the p-B11 resonance peak at 50 KV acceleration. In2 years we'll know.

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Post by drmike »

Roger - p + B11 -> C12 at high energy. One side channel is a gamma ray and stable C12. The main channel is 3 alphas with 8.7 MeV out total, distribution will depend on angles and timing I suspect (you might get one alpha and Be8 so 2 particles would split what ever the first one didn't take). It is fission by definition of splitting, but it is fusion by definition of the first step.

It is exothermic so it works for energy produciton. I'm not sure it matters what we call it other than for political reasons.

Mike Holmes
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Post by Mike Holmes »

I checked out the whole site. And I think it's very well put together, providing compellling arguments for funding polywell.

But if I were an angel or venture capitalist or senator who now wanted to fund polywell, I'm not sure I'd know what to do from the page. I think there's one part missing from the "How do we get it?" page. Like "What if I want to fund Polywell?" With some suggestions for who to contact, links to their sites, etc.

Or did I miss that? If I did, on my careful reading of the site, then others probably will too.

Or will it look like pandering if there actually is a plea for funding? Are you trying to avoid that?


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website feedback

Post by classicpenny »


I'm not sure whether you are referring to my website at

But if you are, check the lower right-hand corner of the "Clean Nuclear" home page. You should see a "contact information" link; that will take you to a page with contact info for your elected officials, and donation information as well.

I know the site needs work - I've been distracted, working on a polywell book (very daunting task!); but please feel free to criticize - that's the best way to make it better.

Thank you for your feedback! (If was my site you were commenting on, that is... :D )

Mike Holmes
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Post by Mike Holmes »

Yes, your site was the one to which I was referring. And the contact page is good - chock full of info on who to talk to. But, again, I totally missed it. Should be given as much prominence as the other main pages, I'd think.

I cross-posted the site to another forum here, and there's some more technical feedback given in that thread: viewtopic.php?t=575

Good luck with the writing!


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Post by fusiongeek »


Nice site. Well done!

Rick Kwan
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Post by Rick Kwan »

Yeah, I like this (classicpenny's site) as well. I'm going to start pointing people there. I just posted to a couple of NASA-oriented communities on Facebook and Google's Orkut.

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Post by classicpenny »

It would appear that -quite possibly- we have an enemy.

My website has been shut down by my server.

The 200 Gig data transfer limit on my website was exceeded in the past two weeks. To do that legitimately, 22,000 copies of my book would have to be downloaded. I am quite certain that it is not that much in demand :D

Therefore, I am guessing that some one individual has been downloading my book over and over again - to force exactly this situation. :cry:

I'm too busy with other stuff to deal with this right now, but my website will reappear eventually.

Bill Flint

D Tibbets
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Post by D Tibbets »

drmike wrote:...

But the more I stare at the graph of binding energies, the less I understand why C12 decays.

Edit: fix quotes
Keep in mind that that the C12 that is produced from p-B11 fusion is an excited high energy isomer of carbon 12. Apparently, the atomic nucleus has structure, orbital energy levels, etc. somewhat like electron orbits. An excited electron could drop to a lower energy orbit and emit a photon. I can see the same thing happening in a nucleus with the emission of a higher energy photon (gamma ray), but I have no idea why the nucleus of an otherwise stable isotope would instead blow itself apart. I guess that it must have something to do with the weak nuclear force, chaos theory, and grimlins! :twisted:

Dan Tibbets
To error is human... and I'm very human.

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Post by Betruger »

classicpenny wrote:It would appear that -quite possibly- we have an enemy.

My website has been shut down by my server.

The 200 Gig data transfer limit on my website was exceeded in the past two weeks. To do that legitimately, 22,000 copies of my book would have to be downloaded. I am quite certain that it is not that much in demand :D

Therefore, I am guessing that some one individual has been downloading my book over and over again - to force exactly this situation. :cry:

I'm too busy with other stuff to deal with this right now, but my website will reappear eventually.

Bill Flint
It shouldn't be too hard to find out where that traffic came from.

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Post by zbarlici »

kudos on your updated website. I found it very easy to navigate, the explanatory links are very well placed - you just go from one page to the next... makes it very easy to follow through, and your explanations are very easy to understand. I learned a few things there..

I learned how the alphas are "captured" to create electron flow in the grid, i was also quite surprised that the grid would be DC(which now is completely clear why). I`m sure these things were discussed on other forums i`ve looked at, but probably slipped right by me as i was scanning through..

Whenever the real McCoy`s start going indepth with their theories i just click the scroll :P I am interested in the conclusion of their analyses.

But your website packages it all together from head to toe. Anyone with an interest can go through and understand the concept, AND get a little history on how the device came to be. I will use your website from now on to "break" people in, then i will direct them to Great job!!

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Post by KitemanSA »

A LOT of the papers that show the reaction have it wrong. They show p+B11 decaying into an alpha AND a C12, which is ludicrous. It combines into an excited C12 and then decays into a He4 + B8 which decays into 2He4. I really wish the keepers of the papers would fix them. Of course, I haven't checked recently, so they may have already done so. Is so... :oops: !!


Rick Kwan
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Post by Rick Kwan »

I'm sure a few people here have run into this already. Somebody is sitting on the domainname "". (I doubt if it's somebody here, but please correct me if I'm wrong...)

He is probably waiting to make a profit of opportunity, i.e., for someone to make an offer. However, it's going to expire on December 12, 2009, meaning he'll have to invest more money if he wants a good sale. The flip side is that if it really expires on that day, someone else may quickly come in and squat.


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