Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by mvanwink5 »

And what do you think will be the likely consequences of a Nuclear ICBM armed Iran?
We're about to find out. As I see it, Iran nuclear or not, world Islam has no brakes other than what violence offers; Muslim nutters are in charge or are getting there, world wide. Deny it or not there is no way to prove or disprove to anyone what will or won't happen. We can only look backwards to finally know.

What is the statement? "When politics and religion ride in the same cart, the whirlwind follows," and by the book, Islam combines the two. Do the math.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

Diogenes wrote: No you Euroweenie, it wasn't. It was exactly the right thing to do given the information we had at the time. We know you European twits didn't like it, but I can't remember the last time you people were right about anything.
Whether I am a European or not, or whether European governments are often right or wrong is irrelevant. The decision to invade Iraq was still a bad one. There was a good (and well known and often discussed) reason why Saddam was not taken out right after the first gulf war.
Diogenes wrote: Europe has simply lost it's way, and insofar as we have been lately following in Europe's footsteps, we too are about to be smashed upon the rocks. Even you could see which way the wind was blowing. That's why you are over here in this country degrading American policy instead of back in Austria where you belong.
I would not even argue with that. I have no love for European or Austrian politics. I think the same assholes are in charge in the background here and there. Living in the US is cheaper and slightly more beneficial for my business. That is all. It is a question of math, not of like or dont like.

Diogenes wrote: If you ever thought Iran stopped their enrichment, you are too gullible to discuss world events.
Maybe, but I know that G.W. Bushs policy did not make a difference for the better, either. All it did was to further cement the idea that the US does not like them and is an enemy in their minds.

Diogenes wrote: Also your focus on George W as opposed to Mr. Super Stupid, indicates you have no grasp of priorities.
Let me see:
1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check
2. Started a stupid pointless war that cost thousands of US soldiers their lives and achieved nothing but to destabilize the entire region, check
3. Handed the country to the bankers, check
4. Alienated most of the allies of the US and caused a huge loss of image for the country, check
5. Slowed down scientific progress, check
6. Handed the security of US harbors to the Saudis of all people! Check!
Diogenes wrote: I will grant that George W made another mistake. He didn't f*** up Iran when he had the chance. Islamic religious fanatics with Nuclear weapons promises to kill more people than WWII.
You are worried about Iran? You think that Iran having a couple of "us too" nuclear bombs makes them a nuclear power? What it makes them, is a nuclear target! The moment they test a nuke, Israel will see it justified to turn Iran into a glass crater and that is it.
You know who I am worried about? The so called allies of the US, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. You think that the Iranians are radicals? The Saudis are wayyyyyy worse and they are looking into having their own nuclear arms program (no one in the US seems to be worried about that, LOL).
And don't even get me started on Pakistan. A fundamentalist Islamic country with Al Quaida right on their door step and god knows in what high ranking positions Al Quaida sympathizers are already sitting there. All it takes for a couple of people that lost someone in a US drone strike to be in the right position and one of their nukes is on its way to the US!
So if you want to be afraid of someone, better look that way!
Mind you, I don't like Iran and I have no liking for the ayatollahs (I am not a fan of Islam, it being the most aggressive of all religions). But it seems like they are getting a bit softer lately. At least we are able to talk to them now and maybe, there is a way to normalize the relationship with them.
Diogenes wrote: I'm not a believer in Bible prophecy, but suddenly those Revelations versus asserting the deaths of a third of the population are not seeming so far fetched after all.
I just want to see how Iran would be a credible threat to the US. To Europe and Israel, yes, but not the US. You obviously don't really like Europe anyway, so you should be happy to see Europe miscalculate the threat and be wiped off the map, no?

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by hanelyp »

I'm wondering, what are the chances of Iran using a nuclear tipped missile against the heart of ISIS held territory? Rationally, ISIS is far more of a threat to Iran than is Israel.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by mvanwink5 »

1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check
No. Federal Reserve and bubble economics created and popped the bubble. Housing debacle was a result of the Democan congress 'everyman should own a home with a big mortgage and who cares if they can afford to pay for it when interest rates go up' Laws and Bank regulations, and the Democan oversight. Plus, Banksters packaging these loans and treating the resulting investment Green Kryptonite like gold. What a Gubbermant mess. Franks was up to his plump rump in this mess, as was Greenspam.

Bush had no clue, as usual, just as O' has no clue about the new Fed bubble created to re-inflate the last popped bubble... only now it is even worse, which D will tell you. But Progs don't really care, every crisis is an opportunity to grab more power.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

mvanwink5 wrote:
1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check
No. Federal Reserve and bubble economics created and popped the bubble. Housing debacle was a result of the Democan congress 'everyman should own a home with a big mortgage and who cares if they can afford to pay for it when interest rates go up' Laws and Bank regulations, and the Democan oversight. Plus, Banksters packaging these loans and treating the resulting investment Green Kryptonite like gold. What a Gubbermant mess. Franks was up to his plump rump in this mess, as was Greenspam.

Bush had no clue, as usual, just as O' has no clue about the new Fed bubble created to re-inflate the last popped bubble... only now it is even worse, which D will tell you. But Progs don't really care, every crisis is an opportunity to grab more power.
The bubble was created because bankers thought they knew something about investment. I have watched how some millionaire investors work here with startups and it is appalling. So a bunch of investors invest millions into a (worthless because they kicked the original owners who actually understood something about the business out along the way) startup but because they did so, it is suddenly worth millions. Then it is sold off for even more to an investment fonts with people that know even less about the matter than the idiots who "invested" in the startup in the first place!
The investors cash out and some bank sank a few million into yet another BS venture. But that does not matter because at some point they will just get bailed out again with money from the middle class.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by mvanwink5 »

Wait a minute, you are changing your story. You said Bush did it. Banking oversight is Congress. Relaxing lending standards so weak borrowers with no money down could buy was the providence of Barney and his congress buds.

Besides, before this was the tech bubble, then before that bubble another, etc. Behind it all is the pump and dump Fed screwing around with keeping interest rates low to 'stimulate' (pump) the economy. Always an excuse. Yes, idiots fell for the pump, then got caught in the dump (Fed interest rate jump) correction when the Fed reversed course. Keynesian mythology, hubris of central bankers, high gain money supply caused by banking fractional reserve leading to monetary supply instability. Simple control theory. Not Bush, not O' they are both clueless dupes. Still, they are both Progs and see humans as farm animals, and themselves as caretaker farmers. Plenty of screw up by both (endless botched multi $trillion wars)

But this thread is about crooked Hill and crooked Jeb. Both are Progs also aching to leave their legacy of damage (they call progress).
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

mvanwink5 wrote:Wait a minute, you are changing your story. You said Bush did it. Banking oversight is Congress. Relaxing lending standards so weak borrowers with no money down could buy was the providence of Barney and his congress buds.

Besides, before this was the tech bubble, then before that bubble another, etc. Behind it all is the pump and dump Fed screwing around with keeping interest rates low to 'stimulate' (pump) the economy. Always an excuse. Yes, idiots fell for the pump, then got caught in the dump (Fed interest rate jump) correction when the Fed reversed course. Keynesian mythology, hubris of central bankers, high gain money supply caused by banking fractional reserve leading to monetary supply instability. Simple control theory. Not Bush, not O' they are both clueless dupes. Still, they are both Progs and see humans as farm animals, and themselves as caretaker farmers. Plenty of screw up by both (endless botched multi $trillion wars)

But this thread is about crooked Hill and crooked Jeb. Both are Progs also aching to leave their legacy of damage (they call progress).
I never said that Bush created the bubble, but it burst because the economy tanked after years of war that cost the nation a fortune, destabilized the middle east, which drove up oil prices, this in turn caused an inflation and a devaluation of the USD, which in turn caused the interest rates of loans that stupid bankers had "sold" to foreign banks (with formerly lower value currency). Then suddenly the good people could not afford to pay the interest on their loans when it skyrocketed. The government should not have bailed out the banks, but should have covered the difference in interest for those people. It would have allowed them to keep paying their loans and in turn keep their houses. That would have then prevented the houses from falling in price as much as they did and people would have kept their credit. But the way it went, a few (very few) people made a shitload of money from this situation. It is evident from the fact that the super rich have actually benefited from the economic crisis.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Diogenes wrote: Also your focus on George W as opposed to Mr. Super Stupid, indicates you have no grasp of priorities.
Let me see:
1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check

A quick perusal of your comment left me of a mind that you aren't accurately informed sufficiently to make it worth the trouble of discussing this subject with you, but a bit of my masochistic tendency left me a tiny urge to inquire from what barking moonbat source of crazy did you come up with that assertion?

On what basis do you claim that it was George W Bush that caused the worst financial crisis in decades? Every piece of information in my possession points at Jimmy Carter, (CRA) followed by Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank, who's policies so badly mismanaged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that they created a never before seen gargantuan housing financial crises, famous for it's "LIAR loans" (Low Income Adjustable Rate) fiasco, but I want to know upon what ricochet bank shot argument do you think you can pin that mess on George W. Bush?

This I gotta hear.
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Skipjack »

Diogenes wrote:
Skipjack wrote:
Diogenes wrote: Also your focus on George W as opposed to Mr. Super Stupid, indicates you have no grasp of priorities.
Let me see:
1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check
A quick perusal of your comment left me of a mind that you aren't accurately informed sufficiently to make it worth the trouble of discussing this subject with you, but a bit of my masochistic tendency left me a tiny urge to inquire from what barking moonbat source of crazy did you come up with that assertion?

On what basis do you claim that it was George W Bush that caused the worst financial crisis in decades? Every piece of information in my possession points at Jimmy Carter, (CRA) followed by Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank, who's policies so badly mismanaged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that they created a never before seen gargantuan housing financial crises, famous for it's "LIAR loans" (Low Income Adjustable Rate) fiasco, but I want to know upon what ricochet bank shot argument do you think you can pin that mess on George W. Bush?

This I gotta hear.
See above. Sure some of the issues were created by predecessors, but it was not until some of Bushs policies/wars caused the USD to fall, that the whole house of cards collapsed.

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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote:
1. Gave us the worst financial crisis in decades, check
No. Federal Reserve and bubble economics created and popped the bubble. Housing debacle was a result of the Democan congress 'everyman should own a home with a big mortgage and who cares if they can afford to pay for it when interest rates go up' Laws and Bank regulations, and the Democan oversight. Plus, Banksters packaging these loans and treating the resulting investment Green Kryptonite like gold. What a Gubbermant mess. Franks was up to his plump rump in this mess, as was Greenspam.

Bush had no clue, as usual, just as O' has no clue about the new Fed bubble created to re-inflate the last popped bubble... only now it is even worse, which D will tell you. But Progs don't really care, every crisis is an opportunity to grab more power.

I see you already started to correct Skipjack's misinformation which he has attempted to spread further.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

mvanwink5 wrote: Not Bush, not O' they are both clueless dupes. Still, they are both Progs and see humans as farm animals, and themselves as caretaker farmers.

This part is wrong. Obama WAS responsible for his role in refusing to reign in the excesses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Obama was PART OF THE PROBLEM, while George Bush attempted to be part of the solution.

This is a well researched and cited video on the subject.

Skipjack, you need to watch that video too, and then you can apologize for trying to blame that mess on George W Bush.

I won't be holding my breath.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Jeb and Hil, Each Gets Crook Books

Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote: See above. Sure some of the issues were created by predecessors, but it was not until some of Bushs policies/wars caused the USD to fall, that the whole house of cards collapsed.

Democrat Underground and Firedoglake promulgated bullsh*t.

It was Democrat driven Federal monetary policy and Housing policy that created the mess. There was no possibility that such economic conditions would not collapse.

It is exactly like the Social Security and the Entitlement mess which was also created by Democrats. Math says it's going to collapse too, it's only a question of time and how bad the body count will be.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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