So how much things are "improving" in the muslim w

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So how much things are "improving" in the muslim w

Post by Skipjack » ... ingstocome

And the islamic world is facing increased radicalization instead of liberalization and more freedom, like some here are claiming (repeatedly).
In Egypt, the veil was dying out when I first went there in the 1960s and '70s, yet today, some 80 percent of the women, especially the young, wear at least the headscarf.
Not just in the islamic countries, also european countries are facing these issues. Europe has a problem... It is called political correctness.
At least the french are slowly waking up. I am just affraid that this wakeup call might come too late.

That title should read "muslim world"...
I guess you can type in a longer title than what is actually allowed...

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Post by MSimon »

Straight line extrapolations hardly ever work.


It is the sexual repression that creates terrorists: ... _bomb.html

So the return of the burqa is worrying. And I do agree that the disarmed people of Europe have a problem. In America we can defend ourselves. And if the ME becomes a problem we can wage war against them. ... ntrol.html
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Post by Tom Ligon »

I don't know how much of it was pop-psyche and how much was science, but long ago I remember reading an article by a psycologist who had supposedly studied many societies and had developed a strong correlation between overall violent tendencies of the society and sexual repression.

It was no accident, either. His analysis showed that these societies used access to sex as a tool to manipulate young men, particularly to get them to serve in the military.

Not just young men. He identified a culture in the South Pacific that expected young women to kill an enemy in battle before they could marry.

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Post by choff »

Polygamy in the ME doesn't help. For every 75 year old geezer with more than one wife another young muslim male is stuck being a bachelor.

I've often though why don't we take one nuclear bomb laced with Cobalt, put it on a rocket aimed straight at Mecca, and just tell the Muslim world,'next time there's a terrorist attack against the west, Mecca gets it!'

That would drive the sexually frustrated Muslim males crazy, since they want to expunge their sinful thoughts by killing us and themselves, but doing so would make the clan name forever associated with the destruction of Islams holiest site.

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Post by MSimon »


Rape used to be one of the accepted spoils of war.


The trouble is you can only destroy Mecca once.
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Post by jmc »

Hmm... there was possibly an element of truth in that classical values post about sexual repression and violent societies, but its worth mentioning that sexual preoccupation can also causes violence aswell as sexual abuse. There are plenty of serial killers and rapist that are anything but celibate, Mussilini and Moa Zheng Tung were perverts (although Mao wasc a hypocritical pervert who sexually repressed everyone else enforcing abstinance on his population while screwing like a bunny himself)

A lot of serial killers were sexually abused as children.

The bit about forcing muslims to watch porn and get body searched by poledancers in airports was quite disturbing and reminiscent of a somewhat milder version of Abu Ghraib. Maybe if muslims had healthier sex lives they might blow themselves up less but sexually abusing people is not equivalent to giving people healthy sex-lives and is in fact traumatising and counter-productive. I would consider bombarding people with pornography against their will and forcing them to be felt up by poll dancers to be sexual abuse.

Also to do with sex and violence I believe in the 1950s the crime rate in America was lower than it is today and while I'm sure there was a moderate degree of promiscuity and pre-marital sex back then I'd be willing to bet that people had less sexual partners back then then they do now.

Of the people I've known, I've found those at the tail end of promiscuity (i.e. the ultra-promiscuous sex addict types) tend to be less happy and more restless on average than those of a more moderate disposition. They also tend to be more manipulative and deceitful in their various ruthless quests to satisfy their craving.

Marriage and sexual moderation are traditions common to a wide
number of different cultures and are as old as civilisation, we throw the norms and institutions away at our peril.

Oh and not all the eastern European women in Amsterdam are there of their own free will, tens of thousands of sex-slaves are imported into Europe every year, told by someone in their homeland that they can hook them up with someone offering a comparatively well-paid job in IT, or waitressing or whatever and then when cross the boarder their sold to a pimp who rapes and intimidates them and forces them to have sex with clients.

Ofcourse ther are plenty of other prostitutes who do it of their own free-will..
In Netherlands, it is estimated that there are from 1,000 to 7,000 trafficking victims a year. Most police investigations relate to legal sex businesses, with all sectors of prostitution being well represented, but with window brothels being particularly overrepresented. [50][51][52] In 2008, there were 809 registered trafficking victims, 763 were women and at least 60 percent of them were forced to work in the sex industry. All victims from Hungary were female and were forced into prostitution.[53] [54] Out of all Amsterdam's 8,000 to 11,000 prostitutes, more than 75% are from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, according to a former prostitute who produced a report about the sex trade in Amsterdam, in 2008.[55] An article in Le Monde in 1997 found that 80% of prostitutes in the Netherlands were foreigners and 70% had no immigration papers.[56][57]

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Post by MSimon »

I wouldn't force any one to do anything. Just give folks an internet connection and let nature take its course.

Pole dancers might be a good screening tool. Put them behind plexiglass though.

Just think of what jihadi training might be like in response.
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Post by MSimon »

I have also read reports on Amsterdam. Some ladies enter the trade willingly. Make a bundle and then go home.

As to those in the trade unwillingly - prosecute their kidnappers.

In the USA we don't seem to have those kinds of problems. At least not very often.
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Post by TDPerk »

"The trouble is you can only destroy Mecca once."

Do you suspect that wouldn't be enough?
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Post by Skipjack »

A lot of serial killers were sexually abused as children.
That is because their parents probably had the same gene defect. The other reason is because this is often falsly claimed by defenders. Noone can test it and it makes the defendent look less guilty.
Psychopathic traits are geneticaly inherited. I dont care whether the socialists and the behaviourists claim otherwise.
Btw, being a psychopath does not mean that you will become a serial killer. Usually it only becomes criminal if paired with lack of intelligence or sociopathic traits.

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Post by djolds1 »

TDPerk wrote:"The trouble is you can only destroy Mecca once."

Do you suspect that wouldn't be enough?
Islamists are very gung ho about individual sacrifice and sacrifice in the abstract. But make it entirely clear that there will be real losses to the clan or ummah, and circumspection kicks in.
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Post by choff »

If you destroy Mecca with a cobalt bomb, anyone who goes on a pilgramage to ground zero will die painfully from radiation sickness within weeks, and the site contamination could last for centuries. Given the obligation to go at least once in a lifetime, this creates a real problem for the devout.
They think they have nothing to lose, perhaps?

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Post by MSimon »

Sexual identity problems in Afghanistan: ... udy-finds/

As if U.S. troops and diplomats didn't have enough to worry about in trying to understand Afghan culture, a new report suggests an entire region in the country is coping with a sexual identity crisis.

An unclassified study from a military research unit in southern Afghanistan details how homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns -- though they seem to be in complete denial about it.

The study, obtained by Fox News, found that Pashtun men commonly have sex with other men, admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually -- yet they completely reject the label of "homosexual." The research was conducted as part of a longstanding effort to better understand Afghan culture and improve Western interaction with the local people.

The research unit, which was attached to a Marine battalion in southern Afghanistan, acknowledged that the behavior of some Afghan men has left Western forces "frequently confused."

The report details the bizarre interactions a U.S. Army medic and her colleagues had with Afghan men in the southern province of Kandahar.
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Post by TDPerk »


That's exactly what I mean. I doubt their religion is flexible enough to permit to regard the destruction of Mecca as being just a part of God's plan.
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Post by djolds1 »

TDPerk wrote:@djolds1

That's exactly what I mean. I doubt their religion is flexible enough to permit to regard the destruction of Mecca as being just a part of God's plan.
The inflexibility can be used. Convince them that you will slaughter the clan or pave Mecca in glass, and they will back down. Strength is respected, weakness held in contempt. Of course, the West does not have a reputation for such ruthlessness these days.
Vae Victis

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