Speaking of Fascism...

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Speaking of Fascism...

Post by Diogenes »

Dangerous Times: How Euro-socialism Set off a Fascist Bomb


In the terrible economic crisis of 1922 Benito Mussolini got 25% of the vote in Italy. Two years later he had more than a majority.

You know the rest.

In the economic crisis of 2013, Beppe Grillo received 24% of the vote (see last week's analysis of Grillo's political beliefs). This week he blocked a government from forming. Grillo now controls the Senate, but he is going for a majority in both houses in the upcoming vote in June.

Europe's political class is shocked and panicked. They are pretending Grillo is just a "populist" and a "reformer" -- but he also wants to "process" all the Jews in the world, who are responsible for all the evil. Grillo wants to nationalize the banks and abolish interest rates, "just like the Islamic Development Bank."

To understand the new upsurge of European fascism, you have to imagine what it's like to live in Rome.


Government at all levels is corrupt. It's the only way people can survive. Everybody is playing double games. People are doing two jobs and running their own businesses out of government offices. Everybody cheats on taxes. The mafia controls half the country. Survival depends on the black market, the black economy. The currency is kept artificially high, so exports crash.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/03/ ... z2MR3i7W8R
Last edited by Diogenes on Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by Skipjack »

Mafia and corruption in Italy's government are nothing new. This has been the same for decades. Italy's government has always been chaotic and corrupt.

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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by choff »

The tragedy for me is that a lot of the people who understand what's wrong with the banking system turn out being Fascists or complete nutjobs on everything else, it ends up giving serious monetary reform a bad name. Part of the problem is that once a person discovers that one of the few conspiracy theories that are actually real are true they completely lose it. They often fall victim to cults or Nazi propaganda, and to further cloud things, sometimes one of these fascists will do legitimate research on real problems, and have the work discredited because of the position they take on other things. That ends up driving them even deeper into the hands of the crazies out of a sense of persecution.

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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

The Mafia makes a LOT of money off the illegality of drugs and the "banksters" Grillo talks about depend on hot money to stay solvent.

What? You thought the drug issue was separate? You have not been paying attention. It is the slush fund the fascists depend on to grease their doings.

It is all here if you follow the links: http://classicalvalues.com/2011/11/why- ... ohibition/

If you want to understand you can't compartmentalize. You can't be ruled by emotion. And D - they rule you by making you fear drugs. They have a fear for everyone. That was why "they" hated Jesus. He taught people how to let go of fears. All of them.

Now why do you suppose the Catholic Church opposes pot legalization?

The endocannabinoid system is a major regulator in the body implicated in almost all diseases including cancer.

You don't suppose the Mafia "donates"? Do you?

Can they be defeated? Of course. But a lot of "useful idiots" will have to change their tune. Not likely until it is too late.

http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/02/ ... rillo.html
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

BTW an offshoot of Crowley's OTO, which was a successor to Mather's Golden Dawn, aided the rise of Hitler. Some history that might interest you D. Pauwels and Bergier "The Morning of the Magicians" wrote a chapter on it. Lots of nonsense in their book. But the chapter on Hitler had a grain of truth.

http://books.google.com/books/about/The ... QQAAAACAAJ

Choff is probably familiar with that thread of history.

In French http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUkT11THEUA

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVFL_xEtVV4 is Vril a drug?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x4iXmV4 ... sults_main

The Morning of the Magicians: Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations


Sensationalist but essentially correct:


Crowley was a Brit intelligence agent in WW1 - that is certain. Did he work for them later? Uncertain.

http://www.bookult.org/files/Ritual%20M ... lation.pdf

Watching the situation in Europe, she became constantly more convinced that Adolf Hitler was her "Magical child;" and she conceived it to be her duty to devote her life (for the Hermit "gives only of his Light unto men") to his Magical Education. Knowing that the hegemony of the world would fall to the nation that first accepted the Law of Thelema, she made haste to put the Book of the Law in the hands of her "child." Upon him it most undoubtedly made the deepest impression, especially as she swore him most solemnly to secrecy as to the source of his power. (Obviously, he would not wish to share it with other.). From time to time, when circumstances suggested it, she wrote to him, enclosing pertinent sections of my commentary, of which I had given her a copy at the time of the "Zeugnis." †

Had Hitler been a less abnormal character, no great "Mischief," or at least a very different kind of "mischief," might have come of it. I think you have read "Hitler speaks" — if not, do so — his private conversation abounds in what sound almost like actual quotations from the Book of the Law
But he public man's private conversation can be repeated on the platform only at the risk of his political life; and he served up to the people only such concoctions as would tickle their gross palates. Worse still, he was the slave of his prophetic frenzy; he had not undertaken the balancing regimen of the Curriculum of A ∴ A ∴ ; and, worst of all, he was very far indeed from being a full initiate, even in the loosest sense of the term.

His Weltanschauung was accordingly a mass of personal and political prejudice; he had no true cosmic comprehension, no true appreciation of First Principles; and he was tossed about in every direction by the varied conflicting forces that naturally concentrated their energies ever more strenuously upon him as his personal position became more and more the dominating factor, first in domestic and then in European politics. I warned our S.H. Soror repeatedly that she ought to correct these tendencies; but she already saw the success of her plans within her grasp, and refused to believe that this success itself would alarm the world into combining to destroy him. "But we have the Book," she confidently retorted, failing to see that the other powers in extremity would be compelled to adopt those identical principles.

From page 472 of "Magick Without Tears"
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »


Good short history


Soror I.W.E. Martha Kuntzel

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thelema93 ... 3178?var=1

http://hermetic.com/crowley/magick-with ... wt_48.html

"The Book of the Law takes us back to primitive savagery," you say. Well, where are we?

We're at Guernica, Lidice, Oradour-sur-Glane, Rotterdam and hundreds of other crimes, to say nothing of Concentration-camp, Stalag, and a million lesser horrors and abominations, inconceivable by the most diseased and inflamed Sadistic imagination forty years ago.

You disagree with Aiwass—so do all of us. The trouble is that He can say: "But I'm not arguing; I'm telling you."

Now then let us look a little more deeply (and I hope more clearly) into his Ethics, with our minds undismayed by any human emotion.

Aiwass is of a different Order of Being from ourselves. Consider a gold-refiner. "Analysis shows 20 % of copper in this sample; I'll beat it in a current of oxygen; that will oxidize the copper. Shake it up with sulphuric acid; then we wash away the copper sulphate, and that's that." He does not consider how the copper feels about it; indeed, he doesn't believe that the copper knows about it at all.

Yes, yes, of course; I know that's an extreme case. I only bring it in to sow what could be done as a last resort, if pushed to the wall. Fortunately, we are not so ill situated. You will, I dare say, without my prompting, think of the surgeon and the schoolmaster; but I can go one better. We have in recent history a case almost precisely parallel.

How did I begin this letter? By defining the task of the Author: to announce the Magical Formula of the Aeon of Horus and so on. In other words, to train mankind to the use of a new source of power.

Page Professor Röntgen! Page the Curies!

How many "Martyrs to X-ray dermatitis?" Willing experimenters who knew the risks? Not all of them; lots of patients got burnt in utmost agony of death. How many victims were there of the "radium bomb?" (At Guy's, wasn't it?) It always has to happen, even with well tried tools, and despite utmost precautions. How many workmen's lives did the Forth Bridge cost? You know, I suppose, that a certain number of fatal accidents are always included in the calculations of any project of Public Works.

But a new Magical Formula is on a vastly bigger scale. Cast your mind for a moment back to the last occasion, when Osiris succeeded to Isis. In that great cataclysm not only Empires, but civilizations crashed one after another. Three quarters of the Aeon had elapsed before the wine of that vintage was really drinkable.

I expect as I hope that this time (communication being universally better established, the foundations better laid, and things in general moving quicker) we may be able to enjoy the harvest in very much less time. But hang it all! it's hardly reasonable to expect complete fruition after only 40 years.

What seems to me the most encouraging symptom of all is this: the Book itself, and the system of Magick based thereon, and the bankruptcy of all previous systems (as set forth in Eight Lectures on Yoga, Magick, The Book of Thoth, and other similar works) do furnish us all with a clear, concise practical Method (free from all contamination of the humbug of faith and superstition) whereby any one of us may attain to "the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel," and that the many other Beings of intelligence and power indefinitely more exalted than anything which we recognize as human—and, let us hope, capable of bestowing upon us a modicum of Wisdom adequate to get us out of the quagmire into which the crisis has temporarily plunged us all!

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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f ... 90&start=0

My boyfriend was asking me about a comment Crowley made in which he said something admiring of Hitler. I finally found the source, it was in a pamphlet made by artists. I read:
A brief questionnaire was sent “To the Writers and Poets of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.” The simple question that was asked of each was: “Are you for, or against, the legal Government and the People of Republican Spain? Are you for, or against, Franco and Fascism?” The final pamphlet was titled "Authors take Sides on the Spanish War" and was published by the Left Review, London 1937. Some of the author’s remarks are neutral, others are speaking out for Franco and, of course, Aleister Crowley’s comment in the pamphlet is referred to as being ‘violent.’ All he wrote was: “Franco is a common murderer and pirate: should swing in chains at Execution Dock. Mussolini, the secret assassin, possibly worse. Hitler may prove a ‘prophet’; time will judge.”


From the previous link (not the pdf)

I had in my possession, for several years, Crowley's personal copy of Hitler Speaks, a book documenting personal conversations with Hitler out of the public eye. AC had annotated the margins most of the way through. The annotations changed, over the course of the book.

Most of the annotations, especially in the beginning, were documenting where Hitler's private conversation language was laced with nearly verbatim quotes from Crowley's writings, particularly The World's Tragedy. Another key is that Crowley had heard from Martha Kuntzel (S.'.H.'. Soror I.W.E. 8=3) that she had put Liber Legis in Hitler's hands, and the book spoke of a woman (his confidante and, just maybe, the book referred to her as a magick teacher) that AC thought sounded like her. Crowley saw Hitler having, initially, a solid vision of Liber Legis anmd how an individual nation should apply it such that, as an embodiment of The Law, that nation would naturally emerge as the dominant governing force of the planet. Then, most of the way through Hitler Speaks, Crowley saw flaws in Hitler's understanding of The Book's message, and made a margin note something to the effect that this is where Hitler went off course and began to fall. (I kept a photocopy of the whole thing - it's around the house somewhere - could find it one of these days.)

So, he apparently did consider that he might emerge as a prophet - if he got the thing with Liber L. right on the national and world-span level - but later felt that he hit a wall in his understanding and failed.
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

Crowley follower, rocket scientists Jack Parsons who founded JPL.
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by DeltaV »

Grillo's Brillo 'do' surpasses Kim Jong Un's coiffure. Must be a connection.

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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by Diogenes »

Rand Paul is filibustering Brennan over the possibility that the Administration will use drone strikes on American Citizens inside the United States.

Go Rand!
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by Diogenes »

Even a Liberal kook group is supporting Rand's efforts.

http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... and-Holder
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

Diogenes wrote:Even a Liberal kook group is supporting Rand's efforts.

http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... and-Holder
If the right was not so knee jerk about some issues and the left in general they could make common cause with the left from time to time.

States Rights.

Of course I could say the same to the left, but I don't hang with them much.
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by palladin9479 »

MSimon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Even a Liberal kook group is supporting Rand's efforts.

http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... and-Holder
If the right was not so knee jerk about some issues and the left in general they could make common cause with the left from time to time.

States Rights.

Of course I could say the same to the left, but I don't hang with them much.
Liberals tend to run from my "save the world" scheme to the next with their noses being lead by various financial interests. Their desire to justify their own existence by "doing something" can reach fanatical levels as high as the ones reached by intensely religious folk. In moderation their just more ingredients to add to the stew that good realistic ideas come from, in the extreme they lead to authoritarian regimes where the chosen few "look after" everyone else. Essentially communism. Yet every now and then they have a few good ideas, too bad the political rhetoric of both sides drowns everything out.

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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by MSimon »

palladin9479 wrote:
MSimon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Even a Liberal kook group is supporting Rand's efforts.

http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... and-Holder
If the right was not so knee jerk about some issues and the left in general they could make common cause with the left from time to time.

States Rights.

Of course I could say the same to the left, but I don't hang with them much.
Liberals tend to run from my "save the world" scheme to the next with their noses being lead by various financial interests. Their desire to justify their own existence by "doing something" can reach fanatical levels as high as the ones reached by intensely religious folk. In moderation their just more ingredients to add to the stew that good realistic ideas come from, in the extreme they lead to authoritarian regimes where the chosen few "look after" everyone else. Essentially communism. Yet every now and then they have a few good ideas, too bad the political rhetoric of both sides drowns everything out.
I find that the right is nearly as communist - just about different things.
Classical Values » Federal Agent Commandeers Local Law Enforcement

Now suppose the Federales decide to go after guns? They WILL get help from SOME locals. Which may be all they need. There are always a few who will just follow orders for a paycheck. Maybe more than a few.

They are just setting precedent with the evil weed where they can get easy compliance from the police. Guns WILL be next. It is just as I have foreseen. And our “conservative” friends said I was nuts.
These phony “wars” not only never end, they set us up for new ones: The War on Some Drugs leads to the War on Some Terror, which leads to the War on Some Guns. The Framers would have considered none of these wars as being legitimated exercises of enumerated powers and, hence, unconstitutional.

Modern “conservatives” are statists to the bone, though, and so consider any exercise of government power legitimate, as long as they agree with the goals those exercises seek to achieve.

From: http://www.dailypundit.com/?p=69174
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Re: Speaking of Fascism...

Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:
I find that the right is nearly as communist - just about different things.

Yes, you find the idea that government should control access to dangerous substances to be the exact same thing as enslaving or murdering millions of people and stealing their property.

You demean the victimization of millions by comparing what they experiences with your pet (and petty) crusade to make the world safe for toking.

Your accusation is nonsensical in the extreme.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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